To earn points in this category, respect personal boundaries for yourself and others, and use appropriate language. (It's also the "H" in "HOME"!)
What are Healthy Relationships?
By following the HOME expectations, this is the number of points you can earn in each category in each class each day.
What is 2?
To earn all your points each day, demonstrate healthy relationships, take ownership for yourself, make the best choices, and show Effort in all of your classes...otherwise, known as this!
What are the HOME Expectations?
Each week, the student who has earned the highest percentage of points in their class will be named THIS!
What is the Student of the Week?
During meditation time, these are the only two expectations.
What is to stay in your seat and to remain silent, respecting the time and space for everyone?
To earn points in this category, stay in your assigned areas, ignore distractions, and follow dress code. (It's also the "O" in "HOME"!)
What is Ownership?
By following the HOME expectations, this is the total number of points you can earn in each class each day.
What is 8?
To help you take ownership for yourself and stay on track, you'll set two goals each week, one for academics, and one for this.
What is behavior?
In addition to being named Student of the Week, the student that earns the highest percentage of points in each class each week gets these perks!
What is a special treat, a starring role in the Weekly Video, and a certificate?
During instruction time you should remain focused, quietly, in your seat. If you have questions, you can do this.
What is raise your hand and wait quietly to be called on?
To earn points in this category, follow directions and classroom rules, and respect property of others and yourself. (It's also the "M" in "HOME"!)
What is Make Good Choices?
By following the HOME expectations, this is the number of points you can earn each day you are in school.
What is 56?
These are examples of making good choices, ways you can earn your points each day in each class!
What is following directions and classroom rules and respecting property, of your own and of others?
This is the percentage of points you must earn in order to be invited to Fun Friday each week.
What is 85%?
This is the safest way to enter and exit the art classroom.
What is calmly and quietly?
To earn points in this category, stay on task during instruction time, and be awake with your head up at all times. (It's also the "E" in "HOME"!)
What is Effort?
By following the HOME expectations, this is the number of points you can earn each week you are in school.
What is 280?
You can lose points by being off task, sleeping, or not participating in an activity or completing a task. To earn points, you should do this instead!
What is be on task during instruction time and stay awake with your head up.
What is the point store?
During work time you'll have some flexibility to move around the room to gather supplies and materials and access the sinks, as long as you can demonstrate these two things?
What are Respect and Responsibility? (Boundaries, Awareness, Trustworthiness, Efficiency, etc.)
These are the four categories you can earn points in each day in each class at Weinberg Academy. (HINT: They spell out the Acronym HOME-Like Home of the Innocents!)
What are Healthy Relationships, Ownership, Make Good Choices, and Effort?
We know you may get pulled from some classes due to various appointments, so we use this, rather than total number of points earned, to determine things like fun Friday eligibility, point store credits, and student of the week.
What is percentage of points earned?
You can lose points if you are argumentative or defiant to redirection. Help us out by doing this instead!
What is following directions and expectations and understanding that my teacher's only have my best interests at heart. :)
In addiition to earning activities and treats each week by following the HOME expectations, we also share information about how you're doing at school each day with these folks, to help ensure you are getting all the support you need to be your best.
Who is the HOTI staff?
This is always Ms. Herning's #1 priority in her classroom!
What is SAFETY?