Large industries avoided the South during segregation, having this kind of impact on the economy of Southern states.
What is a negative / slowing effect?
Though it was only 1 of >1,000 inventions he patented, Thomas Alva Edison is most famous for this.
What is the lightbulb?
This Act established birth right citizenship, meaning all blacks born in the United States were citizens.
What is the Civil Rights Act of 1866?
From which countries did most immigrants come during the 19th century?
What are Germany & Ireland?
A hate group whose members disguised themselves in hooded white sheets & harassed, attacked, & sometimes killed blacks.
What is the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)?
This invention revolutionized the American west by reducing farmers’ costs to enclose their properties.
What is barbed wire?
This invention of Alexander Graham Bell’s was the highlight of the 1876 Centennial Exposition.
What was the telephone?
This bill offered a whopping 160 acres of Western land to any citizen for only $10!
What is the Homestead Act?
Newly-arrived immigrants passed through here to have their documents & health checked.
What is Ellis Island?
Neither a slave nor his/her master could take out one of these on an invention of theirs.
What is a patent?
What two free services did South Carolina vote into law during reconstruction?
What are public schools & roads?
This cartoonist first created the “donkey & elephant” symbolism for the U.S. political parties.
Who was Thomas Nast?
A vote of this majority, within this branch of government, is required to impeach a president.
What is a 2/3 vote of the Senate?
This institution helped to Americanize immigrant children.
What is public school?
These laws made it difficult for newly-freed blacks to vote in elections following the Civil War.
What were the Black Codes?
The companies of this industry, paid by the mile, raced to cover the West in their product.
What are railroads?
This man secretly built a tunnel for the United States’ first subway train beneath the streets of New York City!
Who is Alfred Ely Beach?
This Supreme Court ruling determined that segregation was constitutional. It was overturned in 1896.
What is Plessy v. Ferguson?
This Act banned Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States for a decade.
What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?
This man founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP.
Who is W.E.B. Du Bois?
This new type of agriculture developed on the American plains.
What is cash cropping? (Growing specialized crops strictly to sell)
The inventor of the wheat thresher.
Who is Cyrus McCormick?
This Supreme Court ruling determined that a racially-motivated unequal enforcement of laws, even if the laws themselves appeared to be non-racially-motivated, was unconstitutional.
What is Yick Wo v. Hopkins?
Promoting the interests of native-born people over those of immigrants.
What is nativism?
This president instituted Poll Taxes, which made voting too expensive for many black citizens.
Who is Rutherford B. Hayes?