
The repeating of sound caused by the reflection of sound waves.

What is an echo?


Chose the statement about motion that is correct

A. An object in motion is accelerating.

B. Motion is the change of position.

C. Gravity and friction are responsible for all motion.

What is B. Motion is the change of position?


This sound would have the most intensity.

A. a base drum being struck.

B. a space shuttle launching off.

C. a dog barking.

What is a space shuttle launching off?


A landline phone.

Analog or Digital

What is analog?


This means to bend light.

What is refraction?


A ball has the most energy of motion

A. when it is rolling slowly down a low hill

B. when it is rolling slowly across the floor

C. when its rolling quickly down a long steep hill

What is when its rolling quickly down a long steep hill?


Name the wave below that would transfer the most energy.

A. one with a high trough

B. one with a low amplitude

C. one with a high amplitude

What is a high amplitude?


A movie on dvd.

Analog or digital

What is digital?


The stopping of light or sound by an object that soaks it up.

What is absorption?


When a player catches a moving ball some of the ball's energy changes to this.

A. light

B. electricity

C. sound

What is sound?


This first step that allows you to see an object is this.

A. Light hits receptors in the back of your eyeball.

B. Light reflects from the object to your eyes.

C. Light reflects from your eyes to the object.


What is light reflects from the object to your eyes?


The clock over the classroom door.

Analog or digital

What is analog?


This means to send.

A. transform

B. transmit

C. translate

What is transmit?


All waves do this.

A. move from side to side

B. move in a regular pattern

C. move an object forward

What is move in a regular pattern?


The lenses in a pair of eyeglasses allow a person to see better because they do this to the light.

A. reflection

B. refraction

C. absorption

What is refraction?


When you answer a cell phone call, your phone does this to allow you to hear what the caller is saying.

A. receiving digital code and converting it to sound

B. digitizing your voice

C. sending radio signals to the caller

What is receiving digital code and converting it to sound?

When objects run into each other and transfer energy.

A. collision

B. speed

C. velocity

What is collision?


While Mrs. Haldeman is driving her car this statement is true.

A. She is moving slower than her car.

B. She is moving as fast as her car.

C. Only the car is moving.

What is she is moving as fast as her car?


When you walk into a room with furniture you do not hear sound waves bounce back to you because the softer materials do this to the sound waves.

A. absorb

B. reflect

C. refract

What is absorb?


This is an example of transmitting information with digital code.

A. sending a text on a cell phone

B. using Morse code

C. sending a letter through the mail

What is sending a text on a cell phone?
