Sentence structure
House of Usher text
Gothic Literature

ending or downfall

What is dissolution?


Its proprietor, Roderick Usher, had been one of my boon companions in boyhood; but many years had lapsed since our last meeting. 

What is a compound sentence? 


Malik bought his mother some flowers, and she enjoyed their fragrance.

Which of these answer choices has the same denotation as fragrance but a clearly opposite connotation?

a. stench b. aroma  c. flavor   d. odor

What is the letter A?


At the beginning of “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what does the narrator do?

What is travel to visit Roderick Usher at his family home?


Roderick fears that unnatural forces control his home.

Which gothic literature characteristic is represented above? 

What is a plot involving strange, weird or violent incidents and supernatural or otherworldly occurence?


Old; of great age

What is antiquity?


The MS gave evidence of nervous agitation.

What is a simple sentence? 


The wrestler faced his adversary in the ring.

In which of these answer choices does the underlined word have a denotation and a connotation closest to the denotation and the connotation of adversary?

a. Keisha’s foe on the student council was Joe, who voted against every suggestion she made.

b. The United Nations can serve as an arbiter between nations when they are in disagreement.

c. The hurricane was a natural catastrophe on the island, damaging several homes and a hotel.

 d. Sofía’s strongest competitor in the race is Ashley, who logged a very fast time last year.

What is foe?


Which phrase best describes Usher’s state of mind in “The Fall of the House of Usher”?

cautious and glum

dull and depressed

suspicious and miserable

nervous and agitated

What is nervous and agitated?


Roderick lives in a gloomy ancestral home far from populated areas.

Which gothic literature characteristic is represented above? 

What is a bleak or remote setting?


A long narrow crack or opening

What is a fissure?


A letter, however, had lately reached me in a distant part of the country--a letter from him ---which, in its wildly importance nature, had admitted of no other than a personal reply. 

What is a complex sentence? 


the dictionary definition of a word

What is denotation?


In “The Fall of the House of Usher,” what does Usher say is his biggest fear?

What is the loss of his family name and home?


The description is dramatic. The setting described is eerie.  What kind of literature is this?

What is gothic literature?


to completely destroy

What is annihilate?


“The Raven,” a long poem by Poe, has the melancholy, pessimistic tone of his short stories, but it is one of his most popular works.

What is a compound-complex sentence?


the feelings and implications that go along with a word

What is connotation? 


She appears to die, is mistakenly entombed, but then revives and forces her way to freedom before dying.

Who is Madeline Usher?


Which characteristic of gothic literature is represented by the phrase below?

...the ghastly tree-stems, and the vacant and eyelike windows.

What is dramatic description?


A violent or forceful pulling apart of something

What is rending?


Edgar Allan Poe’s stories, while they delight the imagination, also challenge one’s intelligence.

What is a complex sentence?


Nia was very (extravagant, generous) with her parents' money.  

Which choice has the most positive connotation? 

What is generous? 


During a storm, the barely perceptible fissure in the façade of the house widens until the house collapses.

What is the ending of "The Fall of the House of Usher?"


literature that creates a mood of terror

What is gothic literature?


loud, excited, and emotional

What is tumultuous? 


He also wrote a poem that he entitled “The Bells” because the words in the verse imitate the sounds of different kinds of bells, and the poem has become a popular piece to be read aloud by a chorus.

What is a compound sentence? 


Walter is a (determined, vicious) bargainer in business dealings.  

Which choice has the more negative connotation?  

What is vicious?


The narrator feels obliged to respond to his friend’s request for a visit because his friend is clearly upset.

Why did the narrator go to the House of Usher with "a personal reply?" 


Which of the following is a defining element of Gothic literature that is clearly illustrated by “The Fall of the House of Usher”?

a. believable characters and settings

b. weird or otherworldly occurrences

c. a narrator who is also a character in the story

d. a contrast between rational and irrational characters 

What is weird or otherworldly occurences?
