Quiet Time
Dining Room/Outings

Name one rule for your bedroom. 

Keep your bedroom clean.


What time is Quiet Time? 

It is from 9:15 to 10:00.


Why is it important to attend class every day? 

So many reasons! Here are a few:

-you need to learn or improve your English

-you need to advance your education

-you need to interact with other kids


What are some things you should avoid doing to be safe in the milieu? 

Horseplay, wrestling, running and yelling

Explain why we don't share food in ICC. 

The other participant could have an allergy you don't know about. Some allergies put kid's lives in danger. 

You might not know about an illness you have or the other person has that could then get passed to you.  


Name a rule that applies in your bedroom.

Make your bed.


Explain why participants should not talk from one bedroom to another. 

During quiet time kids are having a chance to be very peaceful. The sound of the voices will take away this peacefulness. 


What does it mean to be engaged in class? 

-Paying attention. -Having your homework done. -Being willing to follow classroom rules and expectations. -Not distracting others. -Making a serious effort to learn.  -Asking questions when you are confused or need help. 


Explain why maintaining boundaries is important.

-Without them, kids can't make nice friendships.

-Without them, kids can't feel safe. 

-Without them, kids can't learn as well. 


How can you be respectful at the dining room table? 

Use good manners. Don't play with your food. Don't talk with your mouth full of food. Eat slowly.  Don't speak to people at other tables. Ask the people at your table about how their day went.  Learn something about someone at your table that you don't usually talk to.


Explain why sharp objects are not allowed in the bedrooms. 

Someone could get angry and try to hurt someone else in the bedroom.

Or, there could be an accident and no adult is there seeing what happened.  

Explain why there should be no vigorous exercise before bedtime.  

This gets the kid himself as well as others in an energetic and loud mood which does not lead to relaxing and falling asleep. 


What does it mean to be respectful in class? 

-Follow the teacher's prompts. - Come prepared with the correct clothing, the homework, the books and backpack, a pencil and a positive mental attitude. 


What is the rule about music in the milieu? 

Music should be at a moderate volume. 


Why is it good to try new foods? 

Even though you might feel unsure about it, it is good to give it a try because it could be your new favorite food!!

Explain why visitors are not allowed in bedrooms. 

-There could be a situation where someone's favorite object gets stolen. It would be very complicated to figure out who took it.

Or, there could be a situation where something sexual takes place. Better to avoid that. 


Why is quiet time important? 

It gives your mind a chance to slow down before you go to sleep after a long day. 


(General House Rule) 

Why does the program NOT serve caffein to participants. 

Caffeine makes most people kind of jittery or nervous. This adds to the fact that kids in ICC are already dealing with a lot of difficulty. 

Caffeine prohibits the absorption of Calcium.  We want your bones to grow to their full length. 

Caffeine can make sleeping more difficult for people. We don't want to make it more difficult for you to sleep. 

Explain why it is important to stay with the group when going on an outing.

You could get lost or separated from the group. This could be extremely stressful  for you because, how will you get home?

If you are separated from the group, someone could try to do something bad to you and there won't be anyone there to help you. 


What is the general rule for the whole house? 

Be respectful to self to peer and to all of the property. 


Name three things you could do during Quiet Time.

(Any threee.) Meditate. Color a coloring page. Read. Review homework. Play cards quietly. Complete a puzzle. Do Yoga. Study English vocabulary. Go to sleep. 


Why is it important to be ready and on time for class in the morning?

Because you will either make your classmates miss out classtime or you will be doing that to yourself.

If it becomes a habit, the whole class may begin to feel frustrated with you and then start to be late as well because they calculate that you will make them wait anyway. 


(General House Rule) Why do you think it is important to not wear other kids clothes? 

The other kid won't have that to wear when they need it. 

The other kid could have a skin irritation you don't know about that could get transmitted to you by wearing their clothes. Or bugs. 

This will cause a lot of problems if some kids have a lot of clothes and others have just few.
