put away ... ...
your clothes
take out ... ...
the rubbish
tidy ... ...
your room
The washing machine has just finished. Could you _______ the washing, please?
hang out
_____ the dishes
do / wash
Could you ______ the plants while we're away?
after breakfast you usually __________
clear the table
The dishes are clean, empty the ______ !
The bin is full. ______ the rubbish, please!
Take out
you have a lot of dirty clothes! Load ______ , please!
the washing machine
That's what some people do when their clothes are clean and dry.
iron their clothes
Don't forget to ______ your carpet!
When your plants need water.
water the plants
That's what you do when you have a messy room
tidy your room
Your friends came to your party. You cooked pizza and pasta. You ________ before your party.
set the table