What's the most haunted guest room on the ship? Cual es el cuarto mas aterradora del barco
Suite B340
What chemical product are we NOT allowed to use during standard cleaning. Cual chemical no se puede usar durante limpieza standard?
What's the Capital of California? Que es el capital de California
Which latin america singer sings "Vive la Viva Loca"? Como se llama la artista que canta "Vive la Viva Loca"
Ricky Martin
How many states make up the united states? Cuantos estados tiene estados unidos?
50 states
When did the city Long Beach purchase the Queen Mary? Cual ano compro la cuidad de long beach el queen mary
It was purchased in 1976
which company prohibits us from using unlabeled cleaning bottles - Como se llama la compania que prohibe que usemos chemicals sin sticker
What year did Man step on the Moon? Que ano piso hombre la luna?
Complete the Lyrics to this song from Selena "Como la flor, con tanto ______, me diste tu, Se ________
Which food product never spoils. Cual producto de comida nunca se vense?
Honey, Miel
At what time does the Horn honk and how many times? A que horas sona la bocina en el barco
10,12,3,6 PM
What the name of the orange chemical used in housekeeping
Cual es el nombre del chemical naranjado que se usa en housekeeping
Orange Force
Name 3 of the 7 National Wonders of the World? Nombra 3 de las 7 maravillas nacionales del mundo
Rome Coliseum, Taj Majal, Great Wall of China, Machupichu, Petra Temple in Jordon, Christ Redeemer in Brazil, CHichen Itza in Mexico
Which Latin America country has the most population? Cual paise en latin america tiene la population mas grande?
Brazil has a population of 216 million
Which animal existed before trees? Cual animal exsistio antes de los arboles
Sharks existed before trees. Sharks have been around for over 400 million years, while the first trees appeared around 350 million years ago
How much did it cost to construct the queen mary? Cuanto dinero costo para construire la queen mary
In 1930 it cost 17.5 million (equal to 310 million in 2023)
when did the queen mary arrive to long beach
cuando llego queen mary a la cuidad de long beach?
What was the most visited country in 2024? Cual paise era el mas visitado en 2024
France had 89.4 million visitors in 2024- Francia tuvo 89.4 milliones de visitores in 2024
How many countries form latin america? Name 3
Cuantos paises conforman latino america? mentione 3 de ellos
What was the most played song in 2024? Como se llama la cancion mas escuchado en 2024
Billie Eilish "Birds of a feather"
How many people died building the queen mary? Cuantas personas murieron durante la construction del queen mary
1 person died in 1934- falling from scaffolding
1 personal murio en 1934- se callo durante la construction
how many rivets make up the queen mary
cuantos rivets estan en el barco
10 millones 10 million
Who's the richest person in the world and what is thier net worth? Quien es la personal mas rico en el mundo, y cuando es su valor
Elon Musk net work is approximately 435 billion dollars-
Which latin america country has the biggest waterfall?
Venezuela Angel Falls
What is the state that you can type using only one row on the keyboard? Cual es el estado que se puede esribir usando solo una linea de teclado?