You do it before eating
Lay the table
You can do it with a rag or with a duster
Do the dusting
Do the ironing
You do it if you break something
Fix/repair it
Make your bed
You do it when you finish eating
Clear the table
You do it to clean the floor
Vacuum the floor (do the hoovering or hoover up)
You do it in the garden or on the balcony if you have flowers
Water the plants
You do it when you want to eat
Lay the table
You do it when the dishes are dirty and you don't want to wash up
load the dishwasher
You do it when the dishes are dirty
Do the washing up
You do it when the clothes are dirty
Do the washing
You do it if, for example, you eat biscuits and they crumble
Sweep the floor
You do it when everything is lying around
Put your clothes away (pick up your clothes)
You do it when the bins are full
Take the rubbish out
You do it when the dishes are clean
Empty (unload) the dishwasher
You do it when the clothes are clean but wet
Hang the clothes/ hang out the washing
You do it if you car is dirty
Wash the car
You do it after vacuuming the floor
Mop(clean) the floor
You do it when you are hungry in the evening
Make dinner
You do it when you come back from the supermarket
Put the groceries(shopping) away
You do it when the clothes are dry
Fold the clothes
You do it when the dog is barking
Take the dog for a walk / Feed the dog
You do it when you are out of food
Do shopping
You do it when your room is messy
Tidy up