What is the name of the document that residents mark any room issues when moving in.
Room Condition Report
How long can a guest stay on campus?
3 days in a 7 day period.
How often are Health and Safety inspections in the Residence Halls?
Every Month
Who should a resident contact if they would like to request a room change?
Their Community Assistant
Are residents required to fill out a roommate agreement.
Yes, if they are Freshman.
How does a resident pay to do their laundry?
Shop Dollars
Who is considered a visitor in the residence halls?
Anyone that doesn't reside in the room that they wish to enter.
When will residents be notified that health and safety inspections are taking place?
The week prior
If a resident is having roommate issues, what is required to take place before a room change occurs?
*Except for emergency situations
What are the main two items in the residence halls that residents and CAs cannot submit work orders for?
Keys and Mattresses
How does a resident submit a Work Order Ticket?
MyPennWest portal -> Asset Essentials ->Fill out WO Request
What is the max amount of people allowed in a room/suite at a time?
How long does a resident have to move items when violating the double occupancy policy?
1 week
What is the fee for room changes outside the free room change period?
*Except for emergency or other approved situations
What is the approval process for non-residence life posters being displayed in the residence halls?
Turned into Housing Office for approval. Housing distributes the flyers.
What is the cost per semester to park in Lot 4?
How early in advance should a parental consent form be submitted before a minor is allowed to be a guest in the residence hall?
At least 2 weeks in advance.
Can you open closets when completing Health and Safety Inspections?
No, unless in Guesman Hall and Smith Hall
How many times can a resident move rooms in an academic year?
What is the minimum charge possible if a resident were to loose their keys?
What is the name of our University's ID Card that grants you access to the residence halls?
What is the youngest age that someone can stay overnight in the residence halls?
According to the housing handbook, what three items cannot be covered during a health and safety check? (Or anytime for that matter)
Smoke detector, sprinkler, HVAC
What is the name of the process where two residents without a roommate are forced to move in with each other?
Room Consolidation
If University housing were to fill, which three categories of students would get priority with selecting housing?
Freshman, Sophomores, and international students