CHINS stands for this
Child in Need of Services
The minimum age you must be to get emancipated
The court can place a youth in the care of....
Who are relatives, other suitable persons, department (DCYF), or other agency
A guardian has the right to do things that a ____ would generally do
What is a parent
Landlords are required to do these things
What are make repairs, manage infestations, provide a written checklist of the condition of the property
This is the goal of CHINS
What is family reunification
Types of contracts an emancipated youth can now enter into
any contracts!
get own apartment, make medical decisions
A risk for a youth in filing a dependency
requires a lot of court involvement
Youth may have little to no control over where they're placed
a difficult process for youth to go through
The powers and responsibilities of a guardian
What is... so much!!!
minor's support, care, education, health, safety, welfare
apply for benefits
take custody of the minor
How many days notice landlords are required to give before increasing the rent
Because of the goal of CHINS, CHINS might not be a good option for these youth
Who are youth who do not want to be placed with their parents/guardians
The teen must be able to show that they can take care of their own _____
What are finances
will also accept educational, personal, social, and any other business
Extended Foster Care can help with this after the youth turns 18
rental assistance/vouchers and much more!
The person who can ask for a guardianship
Who is anyone interested in the welfare of the minor including the minor
These are common reasons a landlord can evict you
what are not paying the rent, and not complying with the lease
The services a youth needs when filing a CHINS
What is food, shelter, health care, clothing, education, or services designed to maintain or reunite the family
A youth seeking emancipation must prove this if their parent/guardian opposes the emancipation
What is that it would be detrimental to the youth if the court doesn't emancipate them
A dependency petition alleges that a youth.....
What is has been abandoned, abused, neglected, or has no parent or guardian willing or able to care for them
The court may grant a guardianship if it's in the minor's ___ _____
What is best interest
The limit to how much a landlord can raise your rent
There is no limit :(