What "ADU" stands for.
What is accessory dwelling unit
(GC 66313(a))
The two project types covered by SB 9.
What are urban lot splits and two (or second) dwelling unit projects
(GC 66411.7, 65852.21)
The minimum number of units a project must have to qualify under state density bonus law.
What is 5 residential units?
(GC 65915(i))
The type of residential project that the HAA does not apply to.
What is a project to develop an individual single-family home?
(Reznitskiy v. County of Marin (2022) 79 Cal.App.5th 1016, 1037)
The HCA prohibits local agencies from enacting certain development policies, standards, or conditions on land where this is an allowable use.
What is housing?
(GC 66300(b)(1))
The 2017 bill that authorized streamlined ministerial approval of certain housing projects with affordable components in local agencies that have not met their RHNA requirements
What is SB 35.
(GC 65913.4)
How local agencies must review and approve ADU applications.
What is ministerially (i.e., without discretionary review or a hearing)
(GC 66317(a))
SB 9 urban lot splits and two unit projects must be allowed in these zones.
What are single-family residential zones?
(GC 65852.21(a), 66411.7(a)(3)(A))
Reductions or modifications to development standards that are intended to help cover the cost of providing affordable units.
What are incentives or concessions?
(GC 65915(d)(2)(D))
After an application is determined to be complete, a local agency has 30 or 60 days (depending on the project's unit count) to do this.
What is notify the applicant of inconsistencies with the agency's objective standards?
(GC 65589.5(j)(2)(A)(i)-(ii)[30 days if 150 or fewer units, 60 days if more than 150 units])
The type of design standards that a local agency may not impose or enforce after January 1, 2020.
What are subjective design standards?
(GC 66300(b)(1)(C))
The 2023 bill that authorized streamlined ministerial approval of certain housing projects on land owned by higher education and religious institutions.
What is SB 4?
(GC 65913.16)
Local agencies cannot require replacement of this if it is demolished during construction of an ADU
What is parking (covered or uncovered)
(GC 66314(d)(11))
The number of ADUs and JADUs allowed on a lot created by an SB 9 urban lot split and developed with a two-unit project.
What is zero.
(GC 65852.21(f))
Used to bypass or reduce development standards that have the effect of "physically precluding" the construction of the project at the density or with the concessions or incentives permitted.
What are waivers?
(GC 65915(e)(1))
The consequence for not timely notifying an applicant of the project's inconsistencies with objective standards (e.g., height, setbacks, open space).
What is the project being deemed consistent, compliant, and in conformity with the objective standards?
(GC 65589.5(j)(2)(B))
The maximum number of meetings allowed if a housing project complies with a local agency's objective standards.
What is five "hearings"?
(GC 65905.5(a))
AB 2011 authorized streamlined ministerial approval of certain housing projects in zones where any one of these is a principally permitted use.
What is office, retail, or parking?
(GC 65912.111(a), 65912.121(a))
The ADUs that are not subject to a maximum square footage requirement.
What are converted ADUs and detached ADUs on a lot with an existing or proposed multifamily dwelling?
(GC 66323(a)(1), (a)(3), and (a)(4))
Following SB 450 (2024), the amount of time that local agencies have to review and approve or deny a complete urban lot split or two unit project application.
What is 60 days.
(GC 65852.21(h), 66411.7(b)(1)(B))
If a 100% affordable project is within 1/2 mile of this, the city may not apply any density limit to the project.
What is a major transit stop?
(GC 65915(f)(3)(D)(ii))
The finding a local agency must make to deny or reduce the density of a housing project that is consistent with all objective standards.
What is a specific, adverse impact on health or safety?
(GC 65589.5(j)(1))
The new step that the HCA introduced that "freezes" or "vests" rules and fees earlier.
What is the preliminary application process?
(GC 65941.1)
The Surplus Land Act does not apply when a local agency enters into a lease of this many years or less.
What is 15 years?
(GC 54220(d)(1)-(2))
Post SB 1211 (2024), the maximum quantity of detached ADUs that a lot with an existing multifamily dwelling can have.
What is eight
(Provided that the number of detached ADUs does not exceed the number of existing primary dwelling units on the lot)
(GC 66323(a)(4)(A)(ii))
Following SB 450, the only zoning, subdivision, and design standards that local agencies can impose on two-unit projects.
What are objective standards that apply uniformly to development within the underlying zone.
(GC 65852.21(b)(3))
The new provision that allows a project to achieve up to a 100% density bonus.
What is stacking of density bonuses under AB 1287 (2023)?
(GC 65915(v)(1)-(4))
Post-AB 1893 (2024), the percentage of affordable units a project needs to qualify for the Builder's Remedy.
What is 7% of units for extremely low income, 10% for very low income, or 13% for lower income?
(Formerly 20% for lower income households or 100% for moderate income households; GC 65589.5(h)(3))
What a housing project must provide if it will demolish one or more dwelling units.
What is at least as many dwelling units as will be demolished?
(GC 66300.6(a))
The deadline to submit a full application after submitting a preliminary application.
What is 180 days?
(GC 65941.1(d)(1))