In 1952, pollution from factories and home fireplaces killed at least _____ people in London.
A) 4,000
A) 4,000
how many times did the river catch on fire
A) about a dozen times
B) about ten times
C) about five times
how is the pollution on the cuyahoga river related to the lorax?
The Cuyahoga River had oil pollution and the river in the lorax had shlopitty shlop.
when did the industrial revolution set place
A) mid 1800s
C) about 1897
A)mid 1800s
In 1963, in an effort to reduce air pollution, the U.S. Congress passed the _____.
Clean Air Act.
industrial air pollution created a deadly smog that killed 20 people in Donora, Pennsylvania, and made another _,000 sick.
A) 7
how did the Cuyahoga River catch on fire in 1969?
A) Kids were playing with oil and a match
B) An oil slick
C) It was polluted and lightning struck
in the 1700s The smog and soot caused by these factories had a serious impact on the health of people living nearby, how is this related to the lorax?
when the factories got bigger the animals left because there were less resources, just like how people will leave if there is not enough resources
what holiday came out of the industrial revolution?
Earth day
Auto emissions also increase the amount of ____.
greenhouse gases.
what was acid rain caused by?
The rain was caused by factories that released sulfur and nitrogen into the atmosphere.
why was lake erie so polluted?
The Cuyahoga river runs for 100 miles across Ohio and empties into Lake Erie.
What was the best scene in the lorax that best represents the problems of progress?
Mr green will decide.
In the 1960s, an environmental movement began that sought to stop the pollution. what was one of the acts that came out of this movement (that was stated in the article
Ex) the clean water act, the clean air act
what is the leading cause of air pollution in the U.S.?
motor vehicles.
The Civil War turned Cleveland into a manufacturing city almost overnight. The Cuyahoga River, south of the downtown area, proved the perfect place for factories. The river runs for 100 miles across Ohio and empties into _____.
lake erie
On the morning of ____, 1969, an oil slick on the river caught fire.
A)june 22
B)june 21
C) june 23
A) JUNE 22
The smog and soot caused by these factories had a serious impact on the health of people living nearby. what is one example of this from the lorax
mr green will decide
However, factories also created new sources of _______.
air and water pollution
Auto emissions also increase the amount of ____.
Auto emissions also increase the amount of greenhouse gasses
American Ship Building, Sherwin-Williams Paint Company, Republic Steel and Standard Oil all rose up from Cleveland. At the same time, the river bore the toxic legacy of their success. By the____.
an oil slick on the river caught fire. It caused about $_____ in damage to railroad bridges.
A) 50,000
B) 40,000
C) 60,000
A) 50,000
Water pollution was made worse by the Industrial Revolution, what is an example of this from the lorax
mr green will decide
People have been fighting pollution for centuries. In the ____.
A) 1200s
what is the biggest culprit of air pollution