This infamous day in 1929 saw the stock market crash, triggering financial panic.
What is Black Tuesday?
Many Americans blamed this president for their suffering during the early years of the Great Depression.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
In 1932, Americans elected this president who promised a 'New Deal' for the country.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This environmental disaster turned farmlands into barren wastelands, making life even harder for many Americans.
What is the Dust Bowl?
This 'R' of the New Deal focused on immediate help for unemployed and struggling Americans.
What is Relief?
Some critics believed the New Deal gave the government too much of this.
What is power?
After the stock market crash, these financial institutions collapsed, leading to widespread panic and lost savings.
What are banks?
These makeshift homeless communities were named after the president blamed for the Great Depression.
What are Hoovervilles?
FDR used these radio broadcasts to reassure the American people about his plans.
What are fireside chats?
Farmers contributed to the Dust Bowl by doing this.
What is overusing the land?
This 'R' focused on long-term fixes to prevent future economic crises, such as bank regulations.
What is Reform?
Conservatives believed FDR’s New Deal programs gave the government too much power, while liberals argued they failed to do enough of this.
A major cause of the Great Depression, this practice allowed people to buy goods without paying full price upfront, leaving many in debt
What is the overuse of credit?
In 1932, thousands of World War I veterans marched on Washington, demanding early payment of their promised bonuses.
Who are the Bonus Army?
This political cartoon portrays FDR as a doctor offering "New Deal remedies" to a sick Uncle Sam. Critics of these programs feared they gave the government too much power over this aspect of American life.
What is the economy
The Dust Bowl primarily affected farmers in this region of the United States.
What are the Great Plains?
These two programs provided immediate employment opportunities to struggling Americans by building infrastructure projects and maintaining national parks.
What are the CCC and WPA?
The Supreme Court ruled that some of FDR’s programs were unconstitutional because they gave too much control to this branch of government.
What is the executive branch?
Many investors lost everything in 1929 because they had purchased stocks this way—by borrowing money.
What is buying on margin?
Hoover lost the 1932 election mainly because Americans had lost this in him.
What is confidence?
The New Deal focused on these three goals, often summarized as the 'Three R’s.'
What are Relief, Recovery, and Reform?
This natural disaster, combined with wind storms, made it nearly impossible for crops to grow in the Great Plains.
What is drought?
This New Deal program was created to restore confidence in the banking system by insuring people's deposits.
What is the FDIC?
FDR’s plan to add justices to the Supreme Court was criticized as an attempt to do this.
What is gain more control over the judiciary?
The period of economic prosperity in the 1920s led to a sharp decline in jobs after 1929, causing this rate to soar.
What is unemployment?
Despite massive economic struggles, Hoover refused to provide direct federal aid, believing in this economic philosophy, which translates to 'hands-off.'
What is laissez-faire?
The Supreme Court struck down some of FDR’s New Deal programs, leading him to propose this controversial plan.
What is the Court-Packing Plan?
Many farmers from the Dust Bowl migrated to this state in search of work.
What is California?
This act was designed to help the elderly and the unemployed.
What is the Social Security Act
The artist of this cartoon is critical of Roosevelt, suggesting that his power was growing too quickly, making him a would-be this.
What is a dictator?