Emily is the youngest of how many kids?
What is Tate’s favorite outdoor activity?
Emily and Tate both studied (and currently studying) at this university
What is Emily’s favorite out-of-state city?
New York City
Where did Tate serve his LDS mission?
New York City
Where did Tate propose to Emily?
Botanical Gardens in AZ
What was Emily's favorite style of dance to perform in high school?
Hip Hop
What town in Arizona is Tate from?
What sporting event did Emily and Tate meet at?
What color is Emily’s baby blanket?
What degree is Tate pursuing at BYU-Idaho?
Manufacturing Engineering Technology
Where are Tate and Emily going on their honeymoon?
As a child, James and Diane frequently nicknamed Emily after this German cheese.
emmen-taller kase
Where is Tate’s favorite place to fish?
Island Park
For Christmas, Tate gifted Emily two vinyls of this female artist.