This is the part of the plant that absorbs nutrients and water.
What are the roots?
Plants get these two important needs met through the soil.
What are food and water?
These three human senses are most helpful when working in a garden.
What are sight, touch, and taste?
Pollination involves this part of the plant.
What is the flower?
Plants grow best in a garden if they have these four things.
What are food/sun, water, air, and space?
A tomato is commonly described as a vegetable, but real garden gophers know it is actually this part of the plant.
What is the fruit?
Soil can be broken down into these three primary ingredients.
What is sand, clay, and organic matter?
It's important to consider this plant need when planning the layout of your garden.
What is space?
This part of the plant only grows if the flower is pollinated.
What is the fruit?
This part of the plant delivers water and nutrients to each of the different parts.
What is the stem?
The indigenous peoples of North America, such as the Haudenosaunee in what we know as New York, planted these "Three Sisters" together as a way of growing food using symbiotic relationship between plants.
What are corn, beans, and squash?
Organic matter is made from these kinds of materials.
What are things that were once living (plants and animals)?
These two garden activities can mean the difference between a small and big harvest.
What are weeding and watering?
These three species of pollinator have a word in common, and are important to the health of gardens and plants.
What are honey bees, mason bees, and bumblebees?
What is clay?
What is photosynthesis?
Healthy garden soil needs to let water drain and pass through, meaning it must be THIS word starting with "P."
What is permeable?
What kind(s) of math can be used to help plan a garden?
What are division, fractions, and multiplication?
A healthy compost pile needs three primary ingredients.
What are food, water, and air?
This unexpected food group depends on healthy soil as much as vegetables!
What is meat?
These three "macronutrients" are the most important components of a plants' diet.
What are N (Nitrogen), P (Phosphorus), and K (Potassium)?
Healthy soil in a garden must be able to hold water, meaning it needs to be THIS word starting with "P." Hint: Spongebob can also be describe with this word.
If planting something tall like corn in the garden, plant it in this direction to avoid shading other plants.
What is north?
Compost piles need a balance of food types, described typically by these two colors.
What are green and brown?
What is nitrogen fixation?