The large headed man who appears at GV sporting events
Who is Louie the Laker?
This appetizer goes great with sweet and sour sauce
What is crab rangoon?
What is Neimeyer?
Who is Carrie Underwood?
This superhero movie is the second in a trilogy
What is Age of Ultron?
The majority of politicians are this gender
What are men?
Shirley does it best
What is burritos?
After a football game Ella had an intense migraine
What is a tree by the Connection?
This is the band Ella has travelled the farthest to see
Who is Fall Out Boy?
This sequel was the only movie she ever snuck into, starring Adam Sandler
People who tend to wear bright red hats
Who are Trump Supporters?
This is Vince's favorite thing to cook in the smoker
What is chicken?
This is the place where a cat is illegally housed.
What is Trio Center?
This is the first "grown-up" song Ella knew all the words to
What is "Cheeseburger in Paradise"?
They're good for text, not so much for a movie
What is the Emoji Movie?
This movie is supposed to represent depression
What is the Babadook?
This delicious underground vegetable has many forms, but the best is from McDonald's
What is french fries?
Paul Blart wouldn't be happy about it
What is Claire's floor?
This iconic song's lyrics were frequently replaced by "fish" and "gilby"
What is "Call Me Maybe?"
This is a favorite movie of Carrie's, however Dolly Parton didn't "steel" Ella's heart
What is Steel Magnolias?
This movie character gives the entire job an uncharacteristically "un-funny" reputation
Who is Pennywise the Clown?
This queso-covered meal is deep fried and will be Ella's cause of death
What is a chimichanga?
This was the deciding factor that brought her to GV.
What is the bus stop trash can?
What is "Another Night on Mars?"
We were more disappointed in this Oscar-winning movie than the moms who sat in front of us were in us
La La Land