What does LR stand for?
Little Roo
When did World War II take place?
Roald Dahl
What does espionnage mean?
the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information.
What fictional character inspired LR's name?
Kanga's baby in Winnie the Pooh
Who is Telek?
General Eisenhower's dog.
What was the name of the code system that Uncle Andrew used for the challenge?
Caesar Shift Cipher
What does ingenious mean?
●ingenious: (adj.) clever, resourceful, inventive
Who did Eleanor's parents name her after?
Who's Ike
Supreme Commander in charge of the Allied Force. General Dwight D. Ike Eisenhower
What does SOE stand for?
The Special Operations Executive (SOE) was a secret British Second World War organization created in July 1940.
What does sabotage mean?
●sabotage: (n.) destructive or obstructive action carried on by a civilian or enemy to get in the way of a nation’s war effort.
What's Bertie's job?
He is an air-raid messenger
What were Eleanor Roosevelt's contributions to societyduring the war and beyond?
She helped with the Red Cross, and also helped advance the rights of women, children, and workers. She was also involved with the Civil rights movement.
Who was Edgar Allen Poe?
He was an American poet who wrote "The Gold Bug". Leo Marks, also known as "Q" became fascinated with codes after reading this book. Leo Marks was to become head of coding and code deciphering at the SOE.
What does nuisance mean?
●nuisance: (n.) pest, one who is annoying
Why did the book mention that Eleanor's birthday was considered patriotic?
Because her birthday was on July 4.
Why does Warden Hawk say that the Allied Invasion will have to wait till spring or early summer?
Because the English Channel is too rough in the winter and soldiers would get sick crossing the sea even before the battle/invasion began.
What does OSS stand for?
Office of Strategic Services (OSS): American intelligence organization during World War II, and predecessor to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
What does garrison mean?
●garrison: (n.) a military post