In Numbers "He is the Pillar of Cloud by Day and Pillar of Fire by Night"
In Obadiah "He is our Judge and Savior"
In Jonah "He is the Risen Prophet"
In Ruth "He is our Kinsman Redeemer"
In Isaiah "He is our Prince of Peace"

The pillow of cloud and fire manifested before Israel crossed what sea? 

a. Black Sea

b. Red Sea

c. White Sea

d. Blue Sea 

b. Red Sea


Obadiah name means to which of the following 2 definition? 

a. Worshiper of the Goddess

b. Worshiper of Yahweh

c. Servant of the Jews 

d. Servant of Jehovah 

b. Worshiper of Yahweh

d. Servant of Jehovah


What is the purpose of Jonah's prophecy? 

a. to show the wrath of God

b. to show the people that they are sinners

c. to show the sovereignty of God

to show the sovereignty of God


What does the word kinsman means? 

a. a man who is one of person's blood relations

b. a man who is one of person's friend

c. a man who is one of person's adopted 

a. a man who is one of person's blood relations


A prince means what? 

a male member of a royal family.


What does a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night means?

a. pillar cloud provides a shade and the pillar of fire provides warmth 

b. pillar cloud provides a visible guide and the pillar of fire lit their way at night

b. pillar cloud provides a visible guide and the pillar of fire lit their way at night


Obadiah was written in what language? 

a. Hebrew

b. French 

c. English

d. German

a. Hebrew


How long was Jonah in the belly of the whale? 

3 days 


Boaz was Naomi kinsman by what? 

a. bestfriends

b. sibling 

c. marriage

d. cousins 

c. marriage


What is the difference between royalty and nobleman? 

royalty is a person of royal blood or statues 

nobleman is a person grew out of the warrior classes


The cloud came down on which Mountain? 

a. Mt. Nebo 

b. Mt. Sinai

c. Mt. Olives

d. Mt. Zion

b. Mt. Sinai


The Prophet Obadiah prophesied judgement upon the nation called what? 

a. Judah 

b. Moab

c. Edom

d. Israel

c. Edom


What is the city location that God commanded Jonah to preach at? 

a. Jerusalem 

b. Assyria

c. Tarshish 

d. Nineveh

d. Nineveh


What is a Kinsman Redeemer? 

A man that is blood relative to that particular family, so if there is no brother or another male in the immediate family usually the next kin will marry the widow. 


What is the job of a nobleman? 

a. a doctor assistance 

b. a guard 

c. who serve in the military and manage land

d. is a cook

c. who serve in the military and manage land


In the New Testament, John too seen the glory, but this time the glory didn't manifest in a cloud or pillar of fire but by a man name who? 

a. Moses

b. Joshua 

c. Mary

d. Jesus

d. Jesus


Edom was a nation descendent from who?

a. Isaac 

b. Jacob

c. Esau

d. God

c. Esau


The people on ship was angry and threw Jonah overboard for allowing judgment to be upon them due to his disobedience?  True or False

False: the people was sore afraid and was worry about Jonah blood being upon them so they sought God to not allow judgement to be place on them. 


What is a redeemer?

A redeemer is someone who buys; buys back; recovers; pay off, or exchanges something for good. 


Jesus came from a royal blood line true or false? 

true. Jesus bloodline is dated all the way back to King David. 

In John 8:12 says 

Jesus said, I am the ________of the world, whomever follow me will never walk in _________but will have the _________of life. 


light, darkness, light


Who trade their birth-right for food? 



The city of Nineveh did the following what after hearing the message...

a. rebel even more

b. became angry 

c. ask for forgiveness and then the next day curse God

d. repented and trusted in the Lord

d. repented and trusted in the Lord


How this relates to Jesus as our Kinsman Redeemer is by Jesus being our husband the head of the church  and we are the what? 

bride - the church represent us 


Jesus comes back what?

a. Judge

b. Warrior King

c. A Servant 

d. A Peacemaker

b. Warrior King
