what is my fav color?
what is pink.
what is my fav food
what is pasta
If I could only have one, would I choose money or power?
what is power
what is my fav movie
What is Wicked
What is my fav day of the week
What is Friday
what do I do all most ever morning
what is singing
What's my biggest fear?
what is spiders
what is yes
what is something I love
what is Family
What is my fav drink
What is strabarry lemonade
What is something i hate most
what is spiders
Who is my bestie out side of school.
I have not see her in a little bit.
Who is Ella
How tall am I
4'11 or 5'0
Do I like dogs or cats more now
What is CATS
What is my fav subjet in school
What is writting
Do I like summer or fall better
What is FALL
Who is my fav singer
Who is Lainey Wilson
Who is one celabrty i have meet
Who is Suni Lee
What do I like to do in my free time.
What is playing on my ipad
What is my fav song
If I could have one wish what would it be
What is to make everyone have a home
what is my most recent panting
what is the 12 panting
What is something i can't live with out
What is my Family and friends
what place do I will what to go to
What is New York
What iphone do I have
What is the xs