Which Mythical Pokémon is known for giving nightmare?
On Valorant, what is Viper's ultimate ability called?
Viper's Pit
What is Foosball also known as?
Table Soccer
I prevent any mistakes made and I’m made out of rubber. What am I?
What is the nickname I like to use?
How many types were there in total in the very first Pokemon generation?
In Clash Royale, what is the first tower troop you get?
Princess Tower
In which year was breakdancing introduced as a sport in the Olympic? (Each team only have two tries)
I'm hairy on the outside and white and wet on the inside, what am I?
What is Rivan's Youtube name called?
As of 2024, if not counting form changes, which pokemon has the highest speed stat?
In the video game "Genshin Impact", who is the third story mode character you unlock?
An interesting sports-hybrid of Boxing and playing a certain table game, where both Brawn and Brain are required to have, what is the other sport that is played in the Boxing Ring?
Chess (Chess Boxing)
I'm long and can be sucked on, after sometime juice can be released from me, what am I?
A Popsicle
(Rule 1: Each team only gets to have one answers. Rule 2: Kelvin's team has to go last.) What is the videogame console that Kelvin lend to me and my brother?
Nintendo Wii
Currently as of 2024 there's only one Fire/Ice Type Pokemon in the game, who is it? (Hints: It can change form)
Galarian Darmanitan
What is Granny's granddaughter name from the game series Granny?
In the series, Fresh Off the Boat, Shaquille O’Neal made a deal with the Huang's family to buy something, what was that thing?
Brand new car
What’s the difference between peanut butter and jam?
Only one has nuts in them.
What is Andrew's favorite JJBA anime parts currently as of 2024? (Rule 1: just saying the parts number won't count on this one, so I need the full title of the parts! Rule 2: Andrew's Team has to at least allow other team to have one answers before answering)
Jojo Bizarre Advanture Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable
Who is the only Hoenn Gym Leader to not appear in the remake, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, ORAS?
In the video game, Clash of Clans, which Troop has the fastest Attack Speed?
Sneaky Goblin
Who won the Esport: Clash Royale World Finals of 2024?
Mohamed Light
What did Squidward said after Spongebob said "I'm ugly and I'm proud."
Is that what he calls it?
(Rivan's Team has to go last in this question) Currently as of 2024, who is Rivan's favorite Joestar?
Jotaro Cujo