HMDAKAS: Elements
HMDAKAS: Logos, Pathos, and Ethos
SVS: Elements
SVS: Logos, Pathos, and Ethos
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There is a growing stigma about Americans' collective lack of knowledge about science. This essay hopes to address that stigma and prove it is overexaggerated.  

The act of proving the stigma as overexaggerated is an example of this rhetorical element.

What is the purpose?


The impressive amount of statistics in this piece appeal especially to this rhetorical appeal.

What is logos?


This is the original medium of this essay.

What is, the magazine, Education Week?


Compared to the "How much do Americans know about science," "STEM VS STEAM is much richer in this rhetorical appeal.

What is pathos?

This is the name for the combination of all 6 rhetorical elements.

What is the rhetorical situation?


There is a growing stigma about Americans' collective lack of knowledge about science. This essay hopes to address that stigma and prove it is overexaggerated.  

The growing stigma is an example of this rhetorical element.

What is the opportunity?


These are how the author establish Logos in addition to written statistics.

What are graphs/ images?


In the great debate of STEM vs STEAM, this is Anne Jolly's stance.

What is pro-STEAM/ optimistic?


Jolly gives background into the debate by referencing a 2014 study on what makes STEM effective. In doing so, she displays both of these rhetorical elements.

What are logos and pathos?


The rhetorical appeals are also called this. 

What are artistic proofs?


This essay is in response to a survey published in the Smithsonian, and the author is an editor for the same journal. The survey was designed to promote more science-based education in schools. 

These, then, are the two primary audiences.

Who are readers of the Smithsonian and educators?


"This gloomy forecast has sunk in," exemplifies this rhetorical appeal.

What is Pathos?


This is the opportunity for this essay.

What is the STEM vs STEAM debate?


Jolly admits she does not have a clear plan for how to institute STEAM, so she seeks the advice of Dr. Howard Gardner. Using his words is a display of this rhetorical appeal. 

What is Logos?


This is the name for the famous allegory in which one enters a room and listens to the ongoing debate before speaking up. 

What is Burke's Parlor?


This is the original medium for this essay, then this is the current medium.

What is a physical test in the Smithsonian, then re-published in this textbook?


The author's job at the time of writing the essay is evidence of this rhetorical appeal.

What is ethos?

Fill in the blanks: "The ___ of ___ should not be so much to teach art, but to apply art in real situations."

Keep the category in mind.

What are "purpose" and "STEAM?"

In her final paragraph, Jolly expressed both ethos and pathos through the use of this pronoun. 

What is "we?"


Anne Jolly refers to the STEM vs STEAM debate as this popular school yard game. 

What is tug of war?


This is the genre. (not "essay." Be more specific)

What is a journal article?


Pathos is commonly utilized by making the subject at hand personal to the reader. This is the primary way this article is personalized.  

What is the questionnaire?


Education week, unlike the Smithsonian, is not rigidly objective. Thus, Anne Jolly repeatedly inserts her opinions, hopes, and experiences. She is responding to this rhetorical appeal. 

What is genre?


Jolly's biography offers these three examples of her ethos. 

What are former middle school teacher, curriculum writer, and member of the board of directors?


When asked why young people do not choose careers in math and science, this is the number one reason (46%) people gave.

What is that math and science are "too hard?"
