The first public miracle performed by Jesus at the Wedding at Cana
Turned water into wine
The name of the gospel our readings come from this year (year C).
The first temptation by the Devil during Jesus' 40 days in the deser.
Which seasons are represented by the color purple?
Advent and Lent
One of the four cardinal virtues that seeks the best for all
The name of the father of the Jewish people
Number of readings from the bible during mass (not including psalms).
The three pillars of leng
Prayer, fasting and almsgiving
Christmas and Easter
Nicene Creed
The place where Jesus was raised
Recite the Our Father
Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallow be thy name...
Give power of all the kingdoms
The colof ordinary time
Communal, public and official prayer
Place where Mary and Joseph found Jesus when they discovered he was missing
In the Temple
Topic of the homily given by Father Ivan this past Sunday at Mass
Temptations in the desert and 40 days without food
What is burnt to create the Ashes for Ash Wednesday?
Dried palm from Palm Sunday of the previous year.
The liturgical event represented by the color red
List 4 fruits of the holy spirit
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness,self control
Who denied knowing Jesus 3 times after Jesus was imprisoned?
The prayer said by the priest to convert the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus.
Eucharistic prayer
Day of the Last Supper
Holy Thursday
Number of days that Pentecost lasts