What is the longest break Denmarks has?
Summer holiday?
When and what day do you open our Christmas presents?
In the evening on the 24 of december
What candy are we famous for eating?
What is our camp theme?
Ho Ho Hold your horses
At what time does school normally start in Denmark?
At 08.00
How many vacations does school children in Denmark have?
We have 4.
What does danish people dance around Christmas eve?
A Christmas tree
How many different potatos do we eat at Christmas?
3: Caramel potatoes, Potato chips, Normal (boiled) potatoes
Who is the oldest in the camp?
Kayleigh (GB leader)
Do you eat lunch at school or at home?
In school
How long is our christmasbreak?
2 weeks
What do danes always eat in december?
(Rice pudding with butter and cinnamon on top)
What food do we normally wat for lunch?
Rugbrød - Rye bread
How many people are we at the camp, without kitchen staff?
We are 45 people
How old are you when you start school?
5 to 6 years old
When do the school kids summer holiday end
It ends mid august
What is fastalavn?
Its a danish tradition where children dress up, hit a barrel filled with candy, and eat sweet buns called fastelavnsboller
What do we eat at Christmas lunches?
When do activity 2 start?
At 14.00
How many years do you have to go to primary school in Denmark?
10 years
What was our break called in the good old days?
It was called Potato break
What traditions are there at danish weddings?
You throws rice at the married people when they leave the church.
You cut the groom's socks.
What should you find in your rice puddings on Christmas Eve to win a gift?
An almond
Why is the camp theme chosen?
It began as a joke, but then the staff discussed it and agreed, as they saw it could have a meaningful interpretation
How much does it cost to go to school in Denmark?