DV Basics
DV Scenerios
Fact or Fiction?

What is Domestic Violence (DV)?

Domestic Violence is a pattern of behaviors used by one person to maintain power and control over another person. 

This can be through physical harm, threats, intimidation, isolation from friends or family, not taking responsibility for their behavior, withholding money, etc.


What thoughts might kids have who are witnessing domestic violence?

It is my fault. 

Why is this happening?

People hurt each other or hit to solve their problems.

Hitting/yelling is okay.

I am scared/upset/worried. 

Do my parents care about/love each other?


Domestic violence is a personal problem between a husband and a wife or between partners.


Domestic Violence can affect everyone in the family. It is estimated that 3.3 million children in the US witness domestic violence every year.


Whose fault is it when domestic violence happens?

It is always the abuser.  It is never the child's fault or the grownup who is being hurt. 


What might happen to kids who have experienced domestic violence when they grow up?

Without any help or intervention, they may think violence/yelling is okay, might be afraid to be in relationship, or they might worry they'll become an abuser themselves.

But with help these kids can have healthy, loving, and caring relationships! 


Domestic violence is only physical.



How might kids feel who have witnessed domestic violence?

Guilty, as if they caused it or could have stopped it.

Mad, at either parent/caregiver.

Like they can't trust any adults.

Confused because they may feel anger, love and fear of the same person at the same time.

Worried about when it or if it will happen again. 


What type of people are violent?

All kinds of people. It can be women or men. You can't tell just by looking at someone that they are violent. Violence does not discriminate by age, race, income, religion, etc. 


Only a man can be the abuser 


Domestic Violence is NOT gender specific. Anyone can be the abuser.


What are some different types of domestic violence or abuse?

Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial/Economic, and Psychological.


What are some reasons kids don't tell right away if they are experiencing domestic violence in their home?

They are afraid.

They are worried their parents might be mad at them.

They love the person who is the abuser

They are scared of the abuser.

They might worry no one will believe them.

They don't know who to tell. 


Domestic violence can be between, friends, parents, siblings, family members, etc. 

