what is may 19,2009
keely's favorite class
what is asb?
where i went to middle school
what is LV?
favorite teacher
what is mrs.v?
my kindergarten teachers name
who is mrs.collar?
my favorite food
what is sushi?
the place is todays lunch is from
what is canes!!!!
something i did during a 2 mile race
what is the griddy..
my geckos name
what is gecky-gecky?
my favorite TS album (two answers but you only need one)
what is folklore
what is debut
my favorite place i've traveled
my dream college
something in san diego
my first pet's name
what is mama cow
favorite animal
what is GIRAFFES?
if i had to move anywhere, where would i move
what is san diego
what events did coach k put keely in the day before a track meet? (for the record i DNSed in both)
what is 300M hurdles and triple jump?
where i went to preschool
what is ffumc?
favorite sport to watch
what is track...
the exact day i saw taylor swift
what is august 7th, 2023?
the best ms abela quote
what is "are you picking up what I'm putting down"?