What was the name of her elementary school?
Archbishop Howard
Where are Jack and Lizzy going for their honeymoon?
How does she prefer her pizza?
"in it's purest form" ..... which means cheese.
What is her shoe size?
Which houses did she pref on pref night?
Just Pi Phi <3
What is the name of the street she grew up on?
Where did Jack and Lizzy have their first date?
Lucca (an Italian restaurant in Portland)
What is her favorite color?
How many kids does she want?
What was her go to drunk food in college?
She thinks DQ?
Who was her celebrity crush as a child?
Justin Bieber
What is Jack and Lizzy's dating anniversary?
January 20th
What's her go to alcoholic drink?
margarita or tequila of some sort
What is her favorite fast food place?
Shake Shack
Who was her least favorite person at the U of O?
Halina lol
What did she wear to her first homecoming dance?
The Aztec bedazzled navy Free People dress
What is her biggest pet peeve about Jack?
He listens to podcasts in bed
What is her all time favorite TV series?
New Girl
What is her favorite Taylor Swift song?
Who was her freshman year roommate?
Abby Ledoux
Who was her least favorite high school teacher?
Ms. Ragsdale
What does Lizzy love most about Jack?
"He is very considerate of me in every decision ever. He can also grill"
If she had to leave the U.S. where would she move?
If she could change her career path, what is the one other job she'd want to have?
Simply no job at all
If Lizzy could go back and relive one day from college what would it be?
The senior year spring game