how many mans does josefina have from squid game (guards dont count cause that number would be hard to guess)
what was i OBSESSED with in like 4th-5th grade
warrior cats u-uwu im so different....
how many instruments to i play
whats my favorrite game
dress to impress
who was my first official man???
jason voorhees from friday the 13th......
who is my favorite character from #squidgame
what band was is OBSESSED with in 6th grade
whats my display name
what kind of dog is clark
maltese/beiwer terrier
who is my one and only wife
which one of these was i never obsessed with 1.squidgame 2.texas chainsaw 3.halloween 4.warrior cats
how many minutes were on my playlist before it deleted itself
82 minutes
what game did i play as a kid that got me in trouble and doesn't exist anymore
scary school/creepy elevator
what is clarks birthday
october 12
how many mans does josefina have in total (VERY HARD)
which thing was i obsessed with last year (really easy)
texas chainsaw massacre
what is my least favorite song atm
i like the way you kiss me by idk
how many friends do i have on roblox
what is the exact day i got clark on
december 25th 2017
whos my favorite man atm
daeho from squid game
who wsa my favorite warrior cat in like 5th grade
graywing u-uwu.....
what is my favorite instrument that i play
six bass
who was my first friend on roblox
what is the reason that clark sometimes stops breathing
collapsing trachea