How do you say "red " in Spanish?
What is:Rojo
How many emojis are there😁😭😡🤢😧? (say answer in spanish)
What is:Cinco
How do you say "hello" in Spanish?
What is:Hola
What is Día de los Muertos?
What is:An Hispanic holiday where people celebrate loved ones that have died.
How do you say "what's up?" in Spanish?
What is:Que pasa
The American flag is red, blue, and ______?
What is:Blanco
What is 😗🤔🤓+🐱🐉🐱🏍🐱👓🐱💻 (say answer is spanish)
What is:Siete
How do you say "Good Afternoon" in Spanish?
What is:Buenas tardes
What day does Día da los Muertos start on?
What is:October 31st
If you mix the colors amarillo and azul together,what color would it make?
What is:Verde
What does "azul claro" mean in English?
What is:Light blue
What does dos plus dos equal? (say answer in spanish)
What is:Cuatro
How do you say "cómo estás" in English?
What is:How are you
How many days is Día de los Muertos celebrated?
What is:3
Is Día de los Muertos the same as Halloween?
What is:No
If you mix the colors rojo and azul together, what color would it make?
What is:Morado
Diez minus nueve equals what number? (say answer in spanish)
What is:Uno
How do you say " me llamo" in English?
What is:My name is
What day does Día de los Muertos end on?
What is:November 2nd
What sound does the letter "h" make in Spanish?
What is:Hache
Say the two ways to say orange in spanish.
What is:Anaranjado y Naranja
What comes next...2,4,6,.... (say answer in spanish)
What is:Ocho
How do you say "What is your name" in Spanish?
What is:Cómo te llamas
What does "Día de los Muertos" mean is English?
What is:Day of the dead
What comes next...cinco,cuatro,tres,dos,___?
What is:Uno