The three parts of the TaNak
The Law (Torah)
Prophets (Nebiim)
Writings (Ketubim)
Define the term "Bible"
A collection of books
Meaning of "Torah"
(Heb. “instruction,” “law”). The Law God gave to Moses at Mount Sinai and the Pentateuch that contained it.
Meaning of "Documentary Hypothesis"
The theory that the Pentateuch (five books of Moses) is composed of material from four sources or traditions: the Yahwist (J), the Elohist (E), the Deuteronomist (D), and the (Priestly (P).
How many books has the NT?
The three parts of the Catholic OT
How many "Testaments" have the Bible? and say the name(s)
Two; New Testament and Old Testament
Meaning of "theology"
Faith seeking understanding.
A literary genre in narrative form that reveals a universal truth. Myths are foundational or archetypal for a culture or religion.
The NT books were written in what language
The meaning of "LXX"
The Septuagint (The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible/Jewish Scripture)
Meaning of the term "Pentateuch"
(Gr. “five books”). The Catholic name for the first five books of the Bible.
Meaning of "Word of God"
God’s self-revelation in history. There are three ways to understand the expression word of God: God spoke through the Old Testament prophets; Jesus proclaimed the words of God; and the Bible is the word of God.
The three Patriarchs of Israel
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Meaning of Platonism
An ancient Greek philosophy of Plato and his followers.
Seven Books from the LXX to the Catholic OT
Tobit, Judith, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch
Catholics: Deuterocanonical Books (secondary books)
Protestants: Apocrypha (false books)
The place (city) where the Jewish Temple was located
The legal agreement between God and the people of Israel, God’s beloved people.
The Hebrew or Jewish name for God is ...
Who was the greatest king of Israel?
The stories in the OT are stories of the Jewish people, who are also known as
God's people, Hebrews, Jews, Israelites
"Canon" of Scripture
List of biblical books authoritatively recognized the Church as inspired and normative for its teaching and practice.
Meaning of "Biblical Inspiration"
The special impulse and guidance of the Holy Spirit through which the books of the Bible were composed and so can be called the word of God.
Catholic Principle of the Care for Creation
Human respect for the earth, or the natural world as believed to be the creation of God. We are called to protect people and the planet Earth, and to live our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation.
The last book of the Bible is.....
The book of Revelation