The Comforter
Key Principles for Bible Reading
Paul's Letter to the Galatians
The Crazy-Sounding Parts of Scripture
Bible Bowl

Like the Holy Spirit, we know not where this comes from, but we can hear and feel it (John 3)

What is the wind?


The number of Key Principles we learned in this series.

What is four?


The word that fills in these blanks from Galatians 3:28 - "There is ______ Jew nor Gentile, _____ slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 

What is "neither"?


The KJV translation of the Bible includes apparent references to this mythical creature (which, upon further investigation, isn't really what the biblical authors wanted us to think of). 

What is a unicorn?

Jesus Christ is referred to as this in John 1:1.

What is the Word?


The Spirit drove Jesus here after he was baptized by John.

What is the wilderness?


This Key Principle is all about the big picture of the entire Bible.

What is "All the Bible Points to Jesus"?


In Galatians 2:20, Paul says that he has been this with Christ, and that Christ now lives in him.

What is "crucified"?


What Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that the "moral arc of the universe" bends toward.

What is justice?


According to the promise in Joel 2:28-30, this is who can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Who is everyone?


The space between the three figures in Rublev's fifteenth-century painting forms this.

What is a chalice?


This Key Principle is all about finding the context of every Bible verse we come across.

What is "Never Read a Bible Verse"?


The modern-day name for the first-century region known as Galatia.

What is Turkey?

The image we used to answer the question "Aren't all religions basically the same?"

What is a mountain/mountain range/journey?


These are the Hebrew words for "formless" and "void" in Genesis 1.

What are "tohu" and "bohu"?


The Holy Spirit, or Comforter, is also known as the third of these within the Trinity.

What is a person?


This Key Principle reminds us that we are not the original recipients of the books in the Bible.

What is "The Bible was Written for Us, Not to Us"?


When talking about freedom in Christ in Galatians 4:21-31, Paul references this Old Testament story from Genesis 21.

What is the story of Sarah/Hagar or Isaac/Ishmael?


The fact that in Jesus, God comes to us - and not the other way around.

What makes the Christian faith distinct?


The person to whom God first revealed his name in Exodus 34:6-7, saying, "The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin..."

Who is Moses?


The number of weeks after Passover that Pentecost occurs.

What is seven?


This Key Principle encourages us to understand the genre of each book in the Bible.

What is "The Bible is a Library, Not a Book"?


The Greek phrase in Galatians 2:20 that can mean "faith in Christ" or "the faithfulness of Christ".

What is pistis Christou?


The name of the runaway slave about whom Paul wrote to Philemon, pleading with him to free him and treat him as a brother upon his return.

Who is Onesimus?

The people group who took the Israelites into exile, which the Israelites lamented in Psalm 137 by saying, "By the rivers of ______, where we sat down, and there we wept when we remembered Zion".

Who are the Babylonians?
