What can disinfectant wipes kill fast?
What benefits does maintaining a healthy diet cause? (Say at least 1)
improving your health, higher levels of energy, and better concentration in your studies.
What can working out improve?
Your concentration.
What should you do before going to bed?
Unplug before bed, or turn off your phone.
Who should you go to if you have questions about a subject?
When you're in college you're mostly at risk of getting germs from whom?
Your roommate.
4 examples of cheap fish/meat
Canned fish, Pork, Chicken Breast
What can working out stimulate?
It can stimulate production of new cells in the brain.
Your sleep schedule, have a set time for when you go to sleep.
What should you take in between studying and homework?
Breaks, they are so your brain doesn't get overwhelmed.
List at least 3 examples of how you can keep your college dorm clean.
By mopping your floors, using dryer sheets, using air fresheners, making your bed, using disinfectant wipes.
What is the website that can help people learn more about healthy meal plans?
"Eat This, Not That"
What can working out help with?
It can help keep you focused, and boosting your work productivity.
What should you avoid?
You should avoid caffeine.
What should you prioritize?
The harder tasks you need to get done.
What can you use dryer sheets for apart from laundry?
Clean dusty blinds/Electronic screens
4 examples of cheap grains/legumes that college students should have in their diets.
Brown rice, Oatmeal, Canned beans, Dried Lentils, Edamame, Quinoa, and Air-popped popcorn.
What type of workout is best for college students?
Cardio workout.
What do you need to do to fall asleep?
Wind down, have an extra at least 30 minutes to calm down and rest.
What type of scenery should you avoid?
Avoid claustrophobic spaces as they tend to cause more distractions and try to go to a more empty space.
What type of mop is recommended for a college student?
Swiffer wet jet.
List 3 examples of cheap vegetables
Broccoli,onions,Bagged spinach, Russet potatoes,Canned tomatoes, Carrots,Green cabbage, Butternut squash.
Where can students go to workout?
Hiking trails, nearby gyms, road-sides, college gyms.
What are you more likely to able to do with a good night's rest?
Stay focused, be concentrated, and be better academically.
What is the saying for prioritizing tasks?
"Eat The Frog First"