You need to use this kind of thinking as you do research for your presentation
(What is) Critical Thinking
What should you NOT do with your presentation notes?
(What is) Read from them
You can present over this skill that requires you to work with others
(What is) Team Work
This is the length of time your presentation should be
(What is) three to four minutes
This is what will your peers and instructor will do after your presentation is over
(What is) Evaluate
You need this skill as an audience memberwho watches a presentation. You need to practice this type of listening to the presentation.
(What is) Active listening
If you don't speak loudly and your audience cannot hear you, you might be accused of doing this BAD thing during your presentation
(What is) mumbling
You can present over this skill that allows others to follow you
(What is) Leadership
True or False: You are using images and slides in your presentation
(What is) False. Presentations are oral only
True or False: Evaluators are important so that presenters can know how viewers felt about their presentation and what they can improve on when they present again.
(What is) true
You need this skill in order to not seem nervous as you present.
If you slump, cross your arms over your chest, or hang your head during your presentation you are exhibiting poor________?
(What is) Body Language
You can present over this skill that means you work hard
(What is) Work Ethic
If you have notes, make sure you can dop this to them easily, otherwise you will stumble in your presentation
(What is) Read your notes
Evaluators have a few minutes to ____________ questions about your presentation before they evaluate
(What is) Ask
This type of intelligence helps you connect with your audience during a presentation
(What is) Emotional Intelligence
If you do this too fast or too slow during your presentation, your audience will not understand you.
(What is) Speaking/Talking
You can present over this skill that requires you to believe in yourself
(What is) confidence
To make sure the timing of your presentation is correct, you will need to do plenty of this. It makes perfect
(What is) practice
If you speak too loud of too soft during a presentation, you need to adjust this thing that evaluators will take note of
(What is) Volume/Your volume
You don't want to go over time when you present, as it it not fair to others. You'll need this soft skills to prevent going over time
(What is) Time Management
If you don't have any notes when you present, you might have done this impressive thing with your presentatin
(What is) Memorized it/memorization
You can present on this skill requires you to know how to get to the botttom of a problem
(What is) Problem solving
______your speaking speed to add emphasis, create pauses, and engage your audience.
(What is) Vary
Evaluators will judge on whether they could _______ your presentation or not. If you presented well, they will know what your presentation was about.
(What is) Understand/Comprehend