What is something women do for upwards of an hour each day
What is looking in the mirror
What is Fasting
Who fasted to his father to resist temptation?
Who is Jesus
This attribute of God emphasizes His deep care and love for all creation
What is Compassion
What type of fasting allows for no food or water
What is Absolute Fast
What is something you should do at least 3 times each day?
What book warns us about sharing our fast publicly and for show?
What is Matthew
Who Fasted for 40 days and nights after the sin of Israel
Who is Moses
According to Gracious Christianity, faith is not just intellectual belief but also involves this key element.
What is trust
What fast goes from evening to morning
What is Overnight Fast
What is something that is small and compact?
What is a Phone?
Where does the Bible say "When I wept and humbled my soul with fasting, it became my reproach."
What is Psalms 69:10
Who Fasted for 3 weeks to receive guidance from God and understand a vision
Who is Daniel
This biblical phrase describes how humans reflect God's character and are meant to live in relationship with Him.
What is the image of God
What is Complete Fast
What goes tik tok
What is time
Where does the Bible say "And when they had appointed elders for them in every church, with prayer and fasting they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed."
What is Acts 14:23
Who Fasted for 7 days to seek God's healing for his sick child
Who Is David
Jesus demonstrated the nature of God through acts of healing, forgiveness, and this central teaching.
What is Love
What fast is plant-based and has no processed foods
What is Daniel Fast
If it is not from heaven desires, it is this
What is flesh desires
Where does the Bible say this "As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days"
What is Nehemiah 1:4
Who Fasted for wisdom, protection, and guidance
Who is Esther
Rather than fear or obligation, Gracious Christianity teaches that our connection to God should be built on this.
What is grace
What type of fasting restricts certain foods or meals?
What is Partial fast