True or False:
I should only have boundaries with family members?
True or False
Having a high tolerance is a good thing?
Does the brain system change in response to addiction?
Yes, specifically the reward system
Give me an example of how to foster your child's mental health?
Open conversations, journal, meditation, giving them space
Is there a specific reason children develop ADHD?
Should your choices be influenced by your values? Why or why not
Yes, they should be. Values are things we live by and want present in all areas of our life
Can alcohol withdrawal be deadly?
Yes or No
True or False: Addiction effects both structure and function in the brain
Give me an example of how you can be a nurturing parent?
Listening, being consistent, setting realistic boundaries, being honest
What are the two parts of communication?
Sending and receiving messages
Give me an example of what an enmeshed boundary with your child would be?
trying to be your child's best friend, intruding on time with their friends, not giving them any privacy
Give me an example of a standard drink
Wine, beer, shot
1.5oz shot, 5oz wine, 12oz beer
What are some functions of the pre frontal cortex?
Judgment, planning, impulse control and emotional regulation
Give me an example of 3 affirmations you can tell your child?
I dont think yall need examples for this
-partial credit available-
How many types of boundaries are there?
3- rigid, emmeshed, clear
Is an alcohol use disorder primarily coming from the environment, genetics, or both?
What neurotransmitter imbalance is involved with addiction?
What are the four types of parenting?
- I will give partial points-
Authoritarian, Authoritative, permissive, neglectful/uninvolved
Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
1. Share a value that is important to you, and a boundary you have had to create in order to enforce this value?
2. In what ways could you show your children this value is important?
1. honesty, cutting off relationships with people who can not be honest.
2. Owning up to them if I mess up
What type of drug is alcohol?
A depressant
Why do you take a stimulant to treat ADHD?
Because it stimulates the regions which control focus and impulsivity
From our last 15 weeks together give me five examples of things you learned that you want to apply to your parent-child relationship.
This can be techniques, types of planning, goals, values
examples: family time, having more open ended questions, creating a safety plan, engaging in a consistent routine.
SIKE congrats for picking the hard one, but it's actually easy, I think. 3 Questions.....
-What was the hardest part of this group for you?
-What was the most important thing you felt like you learned?
-What is one thing you want to continue working on after this program?