Put Yourself In Another One's Shoes
Problem Solving Strategies
Healthy or Unhealthy?

What does it mean to put yourself in someone else's shoes?

What it means is trying to think about what someone else is feeling and/or thinking.


What does it mean to compromise with somebody? 

Ex. Let's say Tommy wanted to play hide and seek but Merissa wanted to play tag what they could do is play hide and seek tag or they could play one round of hide and seek and one round of tag.


Percy and Lindsey are playing a Cat game, Camron wants to play too, but they say "NO"

How can Percy and Lindsey be kind and invite Camron into the game?

Percy and Lindsey could first apologize for saying "NO" to Camron originally. They can then ask if she would like to play the Cat game with them.


What are some traits of heathy friendships?

Kindness and respect, compromising and being FAIR being truthful and honest.


Oliver is arguing with his sister, about his stuffed elephant.

How do you think Oliver is feeling? 

Oliver is feeling upset and annoyed at his sister


Lani and Lexi are at the park and Lani wants to go on the swings, but Lexi wants to go on the jungle gym.

What could do they do?

How could they compromise?

They could take turns. They could play on the swings for 10 minutes and then they could play on the jungle gym for 10 minutes, or they could play on something they both enjoy. 


What does it mean to be inclusive?

One way to be inclusive is to have friends that are both similar and different to you. Another way to be inclusive is to invite everyone to play a game together. One final way to be inclusive is to invite someone that is working by themselves to come work with you.

What are some traits of an unhealthy friendship?

Fighting a lot, talking behind their back, gossiping, lying, saying mean words and calling names, putting hands on aggressively, and not including.


Emma and Alice are playing hopscotch, they forgot who's turn it is. "Its my turn!" hollered Emma "NO mine!!" screamed Alice.

What do you think Alice and Emma are thinking?

They are thinking "I don't wanna play anymore" 

How would YOU feel in this situation?


Kim and Lucy are arguing over pillow cases. They both like unicorns and both have unicorn pillow cases. But they can't figure out who's is who's. 

What is a possible way to solve this problem?

They could worry about the pillow cases later, and take a break.

They could ask a parent for help with figuring out who's pillow case is who's.


How could you be inclusive to somebody at lunch?

What you could do is, If someone is sitting by themselves you could invite them to sit with you. Maybe you have stuff in common?


Brianna and Jess had a test in math class and Jess was disappointed with her grade, however Brianna got an A+.

How could Brianna be a good friend to Jess in this situation?

One way that Brianna could be a good friend is to say encouraging words to Jess and offer to help her if she has any questions in math.


Jamie is having a play date at Maya's house and he started feeling sick. Jamie is scared to tell Maya's parents since he doesn't know them very well.

What is Jamie thinking and feeling in this situation?

Jamie might be feeling nervous or afraid. Jamie might be thinking "I want to go home".

How would YOU solve this problem?


McKenzie and Haley are working on a project about Planet Earth together at school. Haley feels like she is doing most of the work on the project and is feeling frustrated with McKenzie. 

Why is Haley frustrated with McKenzie?

What is one way to help solve this problem?

Haley is frustrated with McKenzie because she feels like McKenzie is not putting equal effort into the project.

One way to solve this problem could be for Haley to kindly ask McKenzie to help with more of the project.


Henree, Tonya, and Catarina all tried out for the school basketball team, however only Henree and Tonya made the team. Catarina feels left out since her two best friends made the team and she didn't. 

What is one way that Henree and Tonya can help Catarina feel more included?

One way that Henree and Tonya can help Catarina feel more included is by playing basketball together outside of school on the playground or at home.


Kaylee is nervous about "First Day" of school. Her older brother teases her and called her a "Scaredy Cat" Which makes Kaylee sad.

How would Kaylee's brother feel if he were in her shoes?  

Kaylee's brother might feel nervous too if it were his "First Day" of school. He might also feel sad that he was called a name.


Some children are playing GaGa ball, Catarina wants to join but the kids won't let her. :( 

How could she solve this problem? 

Catarina could ask some other kids if she can join their game or play a game by herself.


Oli, Octavia and Darius are working on a project about Taylor Swift, however Oli doesn't feel included because Octavia and Darius are both Swifties but Oli isn't. Oli doesn't know who Taylor Swift is.

How could Octavia and Darius make Oli feel more included? 

Octavia and Darius could leave some space to talk about other topics as well when Oli is meeting with them. 
