When in Coach K's class are you considered tardy?
When two feet are not in the classroom when the bell rings.
When are you NOT allowed to go to the bathroom?
First 10/Last 10 of class, when Coach K is direct-teaching, when you are taking a short quiz, etc. *20/20 on block days -- THIS IS A SCHOOL-WIDE POLICY THIS YEAR!
What is the term for the point of view from which a story is told?
Point of View
What is Coach K's favorite college?
Kansas State University?
What year did the War of 1812 take place?
What is one of Coach K's teacher pet peeves that has to do with the end of class?
When people congregate by the door/line up early.
What should you check if you are absent from Coach K's class?
Your mailbox, Google Classroom, or Twitter?
Google Classroom -- the daily agenda slides are posted under "General Info/Logistics". They contain EVERYTHING you see in class, plus links!
True or False: A theme is one word that describes a major part in a book.
False -- BONUS POINT: WHY is it false?
Which energy drink is Coach K's favorite?
Red Bull, Alani, or Bang?
What type of pants does Jake from State Farm wear?
Where do you turn in your papers?
In the black, wire trays at the front of the room.
What are some things you should NOT do on a block walk? (We will take block walks most block days -- they will be about halfway through the class, and, if the weather is nice, we'll walk outside!)
Act a fool, be loud, run, take Snaps, eat food, be on your phone, lag behind the group, run into classrooms...you get the idea.
What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?
A simile uses "like" or "as" to compare two things, a metaphor does not.
What is Coach K's favorite holiday?
Her birthday or Christmas
Finish the lyric: Innnn West Philadelphia...
Born and Raised
What are the light switches by the door used for? (Not the ones that turn on the classroom lights)
Leaving the classroom! It's an easy, visual way to let everyone know home many people are gone. Only two are allowed to leave at a time, so if both lights are on, don't ask to leave.
How long do you have to make up work from when you were absent?
Same amount of time you were absent -- ex. if you were absent for five (5) school days, you'd have five (5) school days to make up the work.
What information is included in an in-text/parenthetical citation?
Author's Last Name & Page Number
What is Coach K's favorite restaurant?
What is Coach K's husband's name? HINT: Here are the letters in his name -- NBORGE
Major, Minor, and Grammar/Vocab
What do you have to do to make sure your late/missing/absent work is graded?
Scan the late/missing/absent work QR code for EACH assignment.
Who wrote the play "Romeo & Juliet"?
William Shakespeare
What is Coach K's daughter's name?
What species of fish is Nemo in "Finding Nemo"?