What parent do I have the most trauma from?
Who is my mother?
Which family member died in my house?
who is my stepdad?
R***d me?
Who is Gailah?
When I was R***d
What is 12 years old?
What is my Favorite color?
What is green?
Which family member am I not allowed to speak to?
Who is my aunt dani?
Where was I when I had to get my mother back to the hotel while she was super drunk?
Where is Canada?
Told me they hope I die
Who is gabriella?
When my family member died
What is 10 years old?
What do I call my bestfriend?
Who is shrink/shrinker?
What caused my mother to hate jons side of the family?
What is a tattoo?
Who did my mother threaten to sue?
Who was my therapist?
Who is Ayva?
When my sister moved out?
What is 12 years old?
My top 3 FEMALE celeb crushes?
Who are, Zendaya, Billie Eilish, and Millie Bobby Brown?
Which of my adopted cousins texted their bio sister on snapchat?
Who is lorelei?
Why doesnt my father talk to his brother?
What is drug abuse?
Told me they wanted to get me pregnant so no one else would want me
Who is Gailah?
When I met Lillian?
What is 6 years old?
The only man I would let touch me?
Who is Tom Holland?
My 6 cousins on my mothers side names?
My Mothers first boyfriend who told me I belong in the kitchen?
Who is Jason?
Wanted to get back 3 different times but never told me?
Who is ayva?
When I said my first swear word
What is 3 years old?
My gfs middle name
What is Sue?