When is Izzy’s Birthday?
What is November 6th
Who does Emorie sit next to in science?
What is Will and Mason
Addison’s birthday
What is June 10th
What two stickers does Izzy have on her computer?
What is a black mustache and a teal SIBC sticker
Luna is a mix of what two breeds of dogs?
What is poodle and Australian shepherd
Kappi is this many years old.
What is 4
How many pets does Izzy have?
What is 4 (counting tux.)
Emorie has what kind of stain on her pants?
What is pink paint
Who do I sit behind in History?
What is Alex
Isabella is what level of what belt in karate?
What is 1st level brown belt
Where did Emorie lose her glasses?
What is the beach
How many countries/ US territories have I been to and what were they? (Not counting the US)
What is 3. Jamaica, Italy, and the Bahamas
From what book of the Bible is the verse on Isabella’s landyard from?
What is Philipians
What book is Emorie currently reading?
What is the first hunger games novel.
When is Snickers gotcha day and where did we get him? (the city)
What is July 31st and Savannah