PBIS Expectations
Class Expectations
Distance Learning
Cypress Randomness

True or False: PBIS doesn't matter during distance learning. You can say & do what you want. 

False - we follow the exact same PBIS expectations plus some NEW specific rules for distance learning. 


True or False: Ms. Chavez accepts late work.

True - if you talk to her & tell her why it's late.


True or False: It doesn't matter if you do your work in both classes during distance learning. 

False - your report cards count! (Well, at least they go to your next school & teachers & can determine what kind of classes you'll be in and the extra support you might need.)


True or False: Students have 2 classes that they are supposed to attend every day (M-F) for a total of 2 "live" hours.

True! So why are so many people "ditching"???? Hmmmm.


True or False: Cypress's mascot is a crusader. 

True! Looks like a knight but he's actually tougher.


True or False: You can get referrals for bad "online" behavior. 

True - first time, you get a warning, a second warning with a call home & notice to Ms. Barber. The third time (or depending on the seriousness of the offense) you get a referral. 


True or False: It's okay to never turn your camera on. 

False - the schoolwide expectation is that you have your cameras on. Having them off does affect your overall participation grade in my class (unless you've spoken with me!)


True or False: Attendance doesn't matter during distance learning. 

False - our school is doing home visits to remind you just how important it is!


True or False: Students are assigned "asynchronous" homework by each teacher for a grade EVERYDAY.

TRUE - So why aren't people doing it???? Hmmm.


True or False: Cypress is one of the few elementary schools in SBCUSD that offers 6th grade.

True! 6th grade is now considered middle school.


True or False: You can bully students on games or social media & nobody cares.

False: You were trained in online behavior by Mrs. Smith, tested, & signed a "digital" contract. You are aware & legally responsible for whatever you post digitally. 


True or False: It's okay to leave class early. 

False - every time you log off early, it's reported to attendance. This is reported to the district.


True or False: Distance learning is over next month.

True - SBCUSD is  offering an Online Academy where you can continue to do school online. But it will not be exactly the same as distance learning.


True or False: In theory, if you log into live class late, leave early, and never do any work, you should fail the 7th grade. 

True - but nobody is failing this year! You will be "promoted with consideration" which your school next year will use to determine what kind of support you need. 


True or False: Our principal's name is Dr. Rubio.

False: We have an interim principal (sub), named Dorothy Fenster.


True or False: There is one more PBIS ticket drawing before the end of school.

TRUE! I'll be giving Ms. Barber the name of final student(s) next week.


True or False: If you log in late, you are marked "tarde" on attendance. 

True - you'll see your final attendance on your last report card!


True or False: There will be 4 options for doing school offered in the Fall.

True! SBCUSD is offering "Online Academy", 2 kinds of independent study (using packets or your computer), and going back in person. You have 4 choices!


True or False: PE is every Friday but doesn't count on our report card. 

False - Mr. Smith grades every student based on attendance & participation (cameras on). He will be turning your grades into me next week!


True or False: If my parents want me to go to "Online Academy" next year, they don't have to do anything.

False! - Your parents will need to enroll you in the online academy using Aeries or by calling our district enrollment office. 


True or False: The school will be drawing names of PBIS winners for large prizes (bikes, scooters, etc) before the end of the school year. 

TRUE! If you were a PBIS student whose name was entered during the last 9 months into our monthly drawings, you will be entered in the final drawing for a large prize!


True or False: Absences don't matter during distance learning. 

False: Final grades will be affected by lack of participation/low attendance AND missing work. 


True or False: This year, distance learning gave you the chance to either grow 1 year, or fall behind a year. 

True - you got out of it, what you put into it!


True or False: Our last day of school is June 3rd but we can stop coming now because we're almost done.

False: I have done report cards but can change your final grades up thru June 3rd as needed. Remember that I cannot grade you if you aren't doing anything...a 1 can quickly drop to an "N" if you decide to stop trying.


True or False: Cypress is the best school in the world. 

True - you better agree!!!
