The total number of staff members BFT has.
What is 14?
This community member received a scholarship for cosmetology school.
Who is Juanita?
Reading club was formerly called this.
What is Literacy Squad?
The days our pantry serves curbside.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
The annual BFT fundraiser
What is Plant A Seed
Name(s) of employees who attend Faithbridge.
Who are Christy, Danielle, and Ruth.
This youth programs student says that BFT has helped her gain confidence and learn to speak up in groups.
Who is Jackie
This program is offered for students in 1st through 8th grade.
What is Homework Assistance?
The first year BFT served 1 million pounds of food.
What is 2020?
What is the BFT 5K Fun Run?
The staff members who have been to Hope 4 Honduras.
Who are Meghan, Judi, Christy, and Sharon?
The names of our 3 BFT Ambassadors
Who are Mirna, Yen, Fabiola?
The minimum age a server must be to volunteer in pantry.
What is 16 years old without a parent? OR What is 14-15 years old with a parent?
The age requirement to participate in the Senior Box Program
What is 60 years?
The type of fundraiser held for BFT in 2023.
What is Crawfish and Cornhole?
Outside of Christy, this staff member has been part of BFT the longest.
Who is Katie Scarborough?
Percent of local students reading below grade level.
What is 75%?
Amount of square footage added to assist in the growing development of our programs.
What is 1600 square feet?
Who is Lynn Brown?
The birth-year of Family Summer Camp.
When is Summer 2021?
The person who was the first Executive Director of BFT.
Who is Maria Belusar?
The number of community members who have successfully passed their citizenship test in the past year.
What is 4?
The year that BFT first offered ESL classes.
When is 2019?
Clients that participate in educational, health, or economic initiatives are eligible to participate in this program.
What is Food For Change?
This school hosted our first Mega Sports Camp in 2014.
Where is Nitsch Elementary?