Why is George’s name George?
To be a jr./His father’s name.
What does George dislike the most about his mother?
He dislikes that she takes disrepect from others.
Name all of George’s immediate BLOOD-RELATED family.
George Sr., Gretta P. Conaway, Georghetta A. Conaway
Does George wear prescription glasses?
What is George’s favorite color?
Why is George in band?
He was inspired by his sister.
What does George dislike the most about video games?
Name all of George’s Siblings?
Georghetta A. Conaway and Nathanael Glennicals
Has George ever committed a crime?
Yes, on accident.
What is George’s favorite type of chicken?
Sesame/Honey Chicken
Why does George feel like he needs to get rich fast?
Because his parents are old and he wants to take care of them.
What does George dislikes the most about anime?
Fan Service/Provocativeness
Name one of George’s dogs.
Main answer: Kawl
Side Answers: May Vary😅
What sometimes happens to George when he stays awake for too long?
His eyes leak.
What is George’s favorite book?
The Bible
Why is George usually late to early appointments?
He is NOT a morning person.
What does George dislike about himself?
His speed/efficiency
Who does George’s mother sometimes mistake him for?
Bubba/Grady Pritchett II
Does George have any birth marks? and if so, where is it?
Yes, the right thigh.
What is George’s favorite fictional series?
One Piece, OF COURSE
Why does George distrust albinos?
An albino child once told George’s ENTIRE CLASS that he had a crush on a girl.
What type of people does George distrust?
Who does George’s father sometimes mistake him for?
What/Who did George fall in love with in 2019?
His trumpet, Nova.
What is George’s favorite thing about his family and friends?
They are all funny.