Who is the founder of IIS PSM?
Dahlan Iskan
The director of IIS PSM Magetan
Mr. Puji Santoso
What is the address of IIS PSM Magetan
Monginsidi Road 52
What's Mr. Awang's full name?
Awang Indra Suwardi
How many students are in Preu1?
What does PSM stand for?
Pesantren Sabilil Muttaqin
Primary Principal of IIS PSM Magetan
Mdm. Anisa Risatyah
How many branches do IIS PSM have?
Where does Mr. awang come from?
Mention the names of IIS PSM Securities.
Mr. Anto, Mr. Arifin, Mr. Mulyadi
What year was IIS PSM founded?
Vice Director of People Development of IIS PSM Magetan
Mr. Ahmad
What are the Trilogy of PSM?
Ilmu, Amal, Taqwa
What are Mr. Awang positions in IIS PSM?
Teacher & VPPD
Who is the librarian of IIS PSM Magetan?
Ms. Anis
What year was SMA IIS PSM founded?
The Preschool principal of IIS PSM Magetan
Mdm. Rinawati
What is the motto of IIS PSM?
Our students are our own children.
How many subject does Mr. Awang teach? What are they?
2 - English & Civics/ Citizenship
Who is the admin for SMA IIS PSM?
Ms. Fula
What was IIS PSM sister school?
Madrasah Irsyad Zuhri Al Islamiah Singapura
The full name of the Preuniversity Principal of IIS PSM Magetan
Mr. Gebya Oktammeria Harnugrawan
Mention 3 Priorities in IIS PSM Magetan.
1. Biah Islamiah,
2. English as working language,
3. International Branding
How old is Mr. Awang?
42 yo
Who is the head of coordinator of UMMI in IIS PSM?
Ust. Choirudin