What is Janada's full name?
Janada Charith Jayanga Meemaduma
Of all the people who are currently working at AdShare, who does Janada know the longest?
Has Janada ever broken a bone?
Who is Janada's favourite music artist?
Michael Jackson
What is Janada's favourite football team?
Liverpool F.C
What does Janada's dad do for a living?
He owns and runs a gold shop.
Who is Janada's favourite F1 driver?
What is Janada's favourite food? Be specific, not a cuisine.
What is Janada's favourite colour?
Janada believes he can excel in every sport but what?
How many girlfriends has Janada had? (To my knowledge)
How many siblings does Janada have?
How old is Janada?
32 (he is 33 tomorrow)
Has Janada ever had a piercing?
No and he never will (unfortunately)
What is Janada's favourite TV show?
Game of Thrones
Which year did Janada join AdShare? Bonus points if you guess the month as well.
August 2015
How many tattoos does Janada have?
What position did Janada hold when he was part of Rotract Cinnamon Gardens?
Who is Janada's favourite superhero?
How many schools has Janada attended? Bonus points if you can name them.
Three - Vidura, St. Peter's and Kalutara Vidyalaya
Which university was Janada accepted into after A/Ls?
University of Moratuwa
What sport did Janada primarily play in school?
Track (Athletics)
How many countries has Janada visited? Bonus points if you can name them.
Five - India, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia (Bali), South Korea
Which country would Janada most want to visit?