My undergraduate major and estimated year of graduation.
What is mechanical engineering, 2021?
True or false: I got in trouble in elementary school for punching a kid on the bus.
What is true?
My sister's first name.
Who is Roxanna?
Who is the cat I love the mostest?
How often I can eat pho before getting sick of it.
What is never?
My birthday (year included)
What is April 12th 1998.
The sibling I was closest to growing up.
Who is Jonathan.
My brother's first name.
Who is Jonathan?
What is the season I like most?
True or false: I drink pickle juice.
What is true?
The friend (who I actually keep up with) that I've known the longest.
Who is Alyssa Young?
Jobs I wanted to have when I grew up (more than one answer will be accepted)
What is hair stylist, car mechanic, veterinarian, psychiatrist, actress.
The month and year I adopted Jack.
What is October 2019?
Gordon Ramsey.
Who is a chef I like to watch?
Some of my favorite sodas (any correct answer will be accepted).
What is coca cola, colombiana, orange cream?
The number of months I've been dating my BF (as of 10/18/20)
What is 7 months?
My mom used to take me to the ______ frequently because I liked playing with scissors.
What is the hair stylist?
Names of each of my immediate family members.
Who is Myriam, Marvin, Roxanna, and Jonathan?
Music from the 1920s.
What is a type of music I like?
My favorite types of ice cream (any correct answer will be accepted).
My Jewish name.
What is Esther?
The type of video game I grew up playing on my PS2.
What is car racing games?
The amount of grandparents I have (living).
What is 3?
Starry night painting by Vincent Van Gogh
What painting do I dislike and think is overrated?
The $$ food I splurge on about once a month.
What is sushi?