the date of my birthday
what is February 24th
the age i started gymnastics
what is two
what is chemistry
madeline's favorite part of summer
what is the warm sun/being outside in the sun
madeline's celebrity crush
what is renee rapp
my first pet and their name
what is peanut the hampster
the name of my gym in atlanta
what is buckhead gymnastics center
my favorite teacher at pace
what is dr. moss
madeline's favorite trip in the summer
what is rutledge or newport beach, california (either for credit)
3 or madeline's "crushes" / eye candy that go to pace
the states i've lived in
what is arizona, texas, arkansas, georgia
the skill/event i fractured my back doing
what is a (cartwheel step in) back tuck off beam
the class i've done worst in at pace
what is mr. lopozynski's pre-algebra class
the first sleep away summer camp madeline went to
what is flip fest
madeline's dream date
what is ice skating and walking around avalon
my childhood favorite book series
what is keeper of the lost cities
my favorite event/skill
i was accused of this in second grade
what is bullying
madeline's favorite activity at the beach
what is swimming in the ocean, surfing, and sailing (either counts for credit)
who madeline is most scared to come out to
what is sophie
the flower i always compare myself to
what is a sunflower
my childhood favorite gymnast
what is ally raisman
madeline's arch nemesis teacher and why
who is dr. kazi because of a long story involving a quiz and lots of accusations but you do have to tell the story in person for credit
madeline's beach dream
what is riding a (electric) motorcycle to the beach and doing a bible study and surfing before class
3 of madeline's middle school pace crushes OR madeline's elementary school crush
what is lucy fleming, max hamilton, molly luber (others possible- CONFIRM IN PERSON) OR what is matthew hoover