What is my favorite color?
What is the online alias I use?
Which High School did I graduate from?
Plymouth High School
Name the video game I play competetively
Name a food I'm allergic to
If you answered jackfruit you get 500 points
What is my current job?
A singer whose music is inspired by R&B, pop, and synth, is my favorite artist.
The Weeknd
What Middle School did I graduate from?
Liberty Middle School
What video game do I have the most hours in?
Splatoon 2/Minecraft
What is my go-to order at most restaurants?
A burger / sandwhich
What's my favorite season?
A boy and his dog in a fantastical land star in my favorite childhood television show.
Adventure Time
What year did I graduate high school?
What is my favorite card game?
Solitaire / Low Down
What's my favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate/Strawberry
What am I going to college for?
3D art and animation
A movie about an orphan who tries to meet his mother is my favorite movie.
Meet the Robinsons
What elective did I take from Freshman to Senior year?
What's my favorite Pokemon?
What is my FAVORITE food?
Name a bone I've broken
The Legend of Vox Machina
How many exes did I accumulate through high school?
In the video game Super Smash Bros ultimate, name the character I main.
K. Rool
Name or describe my perfect drink order
London Fog with vanilla, marshmallow, and caramel