what is my fav sport?
what is my fav dance?
triple threat
why did i not liike the dissert this night?
the chocolate got hard
what is my fav type of sweater?
what is the animal I've been wanting?
corgi or parrot
do i like tap or jazz better
what is my fav food?
do i like long sleeved or short?
what is my fav nickname i call ginger?
who do i like better mrs alex or ms eve?
mrs alex
what do i like the most on my lamb?
fresh rosemary
what is my fav type of pants jeans or your really really really really really comfortable sweat pants
jeans hahahaha!!!!!
what is my fav kind of cat
what is my fav move in ballet?
wwhat do i like better carrots or letuce?
what do i like better convers or doc martens?
both hahahaha!!!
what is my fav place to hang out?
in the house or arcade
what is the tap ,ove i recently learned?
draw back
what do i like more olives or mushrooms
nothing!!!! hahahahaha!
what i rather waering purple jacet or 2 hoodies combind
purple jactet