this was vaira's first musical
what is chicago
this month is vaira's middle name
what is may
this TV show went beyond (!) a huge obsession for vaira during covid, leading to (public) tiktoks, brightful pictionary, PLUS 40 handwritten pages in a notebook.
what is my hero academia
this sport led to an unflattering picture that vaira wishes she could erase from existence
what is pole vault
this website founded vaira's writing career
what is google docs
this movie traumatized vaira, giving her nightmares for nine months straight
what is spy kids
this form of transportation was vaira's go to until the age of 16
what is biking
this ship name is vaira's own creation, spanning 50+ notes and 3+ docs
what is solio
this stunt position is vaira's LEAST favorite
what is a back spot
this type of fan-created literature is vaira's favorite thing to read
what are fanfictions
vaira starred in this play in eighth grade
what is we are masks
in attempts to follow a TikTok recipe during 2020, this injury resulted due to a mistake in the process
what is a burn
this magical girl show was vaira's introduction into anime/manga
what is sailor moon
vaira won a track meet for this event
what is discus
a secret TikTok account vaira has posts this kind of content
what is cosplay
this fun backyard activity led vaira to being thrown off of it due to a misunderstanding with her grandpa
what is a trampoline
this energy drink brand is vaira's new RECENT favorite, namely the strawberry candy flavor
what is gorilla mind
these two strongest characters from a favorite show reside in vaira's edit folder, ao3 bookmarks, and on her bookshelf
(state both)
who are satoru gojo and suguru geto
this stunt dismount is vaira's FAVORITE and wishes was in the routines we've done the past two years
what is a fulldown
this feature on the app TikTok is used by vaira the most, that can be seen by her followers on a LOT of videos
what are reposts
this is the number of pet birds vaira has had in total in her life
what is nine
this alaskan town contains the majority of vaira's alaskan family
what is gakona
this activity was vaira's go-to choice of exercise during 2020, due to watching zendaya in the greatest showman
what are aerial silks
this skill was the peak of vaira's basing career
what is a cartwheel inversion to extension
this president was the subject of a TikTok vaira posted in 2020, using the audio "let it die" from the lorax, leading to being in trouble for wishing death on a country leader
who is donald trump