Do I follow soccer
When did I move to Hawaii
After fifth grade/2022
What rank am I
Life Scout
What was the first instrument I learned to play
Le Monde, SEEQS and BCSS
What club do I play for
Portland City United (PCU)
When did I move back to Portland
After sixth grade/2023
What are my leadership positions
Scribe, Assistant Patrol Leader and OA representative
What's my favorite instrument
Electric Guitar
What's my main two nicknames
Demon in disguise, Tay-Tay
What's the name of my rec team
The Raptors
When did I come out to myself
Sixth grade/2022
What's my troop number
Who's my favorite bassist
What's my most intense personality and where do I use it
Club soccer
What division do I play in
When did I get my first knife
On my tenth birthday
What's my first troop's number
What Muse song do I like to play
What's my most dangerous trait
What was my first tournament win
What's my dream job
Psychologist or Essential Worker
Where was my OA induction
Camp Merriwether
What's my favorite band
The Killers