how old is my brother
I love bella
what was my childhood nickname
whats my favorite animal
cat meow
whats currently my fav fast food (there's 3 choices must get one)
cava taco bell chipotle
how many siblings does my mom have
my favorite season is summer
false. its fall
what was my favorite band/singer growing up
one direction (if you get this wrong you're going to hell)
name 2 of my celebrity crushes
joan jett, Emmy Rossum, Odessa Zion, Kristen Stewart, clairo, Fiona apple, Natasha lyone, (having a hard time thinking of some more)
what are the 3 classes I am currently taking
math psych anatomy
what country and city are my parents from?
Asuncion Paraguay, Baranquilla Colombia
I wanted to work with animals my entire life
when did I get braces
second grade
what is my favorite TV show
whats my dream car
a green bug
whats my parents and brothers name
Lourdes, Ricardo, Martin
my shoe size is 6.5
false. its 5-6
what one other state do I have family in
who are my 2 favorite people on the internet (niche asf)
drew and enya
who is currently my top artist
bad bunny or clairo
how many cousins do I have in maryland
I have been to brazil
what hospital was I born in
holy cross
What is my favorite song at this very second
I believe by Shawn mendez
who is my fav Eevee or keish
both and if you picked one you are evil